Whirlpool HB21417 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 28




2. Remote






































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Battery Replacement





Time Display

Air volume 




Содержание HB21417

Страница 1: ...ࢀ 㠹㾎 梏㷬 ऀ寕 ޢ 㫮 Ӹ寶実伶旭岪ޯ寕 ރ 㫜 ࡨ ߎࢀ 㠹㾎 梏㷬 ڷ 栁ं ڄݺ 宸Օՠ嶾ࠀ 㺖ы 娙 љҲଭۨԮ暿Ճ י 澞 ...

Страница 2: ...曰 ૨ପଳ 㧠Љ㫵 佌Җыङѹ 澞 ઊճ 䎹ହҲ惐䒠 ॗ 嘮Ԇ䒠 澞 Ԇ䒠 Љ ڱ फ ݎ 㧠朅 ڇݖ Јவ澞 ࢀ儏澝ⲏ栦 䀽ࡐङ յЉ ߎऀ ڱ Ԇ䒠 澞 ߎԆ䒠 ЉӀ 䇃 ݏ Ӳԅਈ ㆎ㧠੧ ЉҎङы 䗍 ॱش 族 ऀߎԆ䒠 㩌 ڷ 栁߄ㆎҿ Ҷ嶗嶣ङы悹੧ܴ傑䥯 澞 䠞 ॿㆎߎԆ䒠 悹੧ࢎ䉟չ侳岡㩌 ڷ 栁߄ㆎҿ Ҷ嶗嶣ङы 悹੧厅 澞 㻯љЈङ 㚙惠曰ߎԆ䒠 ஔள߄ㆎҿ Ҷ嶗嶣ङы悹੧ ܴ傑䥯 澞 䠞ߎԆ䒠 ੴ ݹ 娙 ٗٯ ҁѹ 㩌澝 ߄ㆎҿ Ҷ嶗嶣 ङыङܶ ԉ澝 䬢ґ ऀৱङ ҶՃҿ ޢ ग䠞И䉦 Ԯ暿 ङӹ ݕ Ј ਙ 㻯ङ ॿՑՕ旇 昘旅ߎԆ䒠 澞 ਙ 㻯 ङ ॿЉՕ寪 澝ࢎ䉟澝ґ森ߎԆ䒠 уЉՕ ߎ Ԇ䒠 ݖ 栦 悪 ݎ 朅 澞 ࡉ ߎ ڿ Ԇ䒠 ङ пୂѹ㫵岴 ڱ ள ٯ 䒠 Օਈ ਚ䓇 䠞 ॿչ૯檥 ԃ߄ஞ䭾ы ב 㩌 ࣔ ࡨ ࣁ桠ѕ 澞 䟗ս ڷ 栁 ݎ 侱澞 ...

Страница 3: ... 寶 ؔ 寕 ޢ 㫮 с佬ㆎ ސ 澞 ऀӹ寶䬢ґ䟗ս娋வ䐘ࡊ㼑ऊ澞 ࡉ ڿ 㿮߄惨䠞ы 䥯岡Ј ߧײ 㿮߄ਈԃਘ੧ ৱ寶Љ 䘹ਘ ۰族 ऀ悤Ԇ䒠 澞 ࢎ䉟䟗ս㩌 寶昘旅ॹԯӤ㧜朅 फӱ䟗ս ҶҠ ٗҁ澞 寶Љ ܞ 朅 侱澞 Օਈ㫵 ਚ朅 侱㡦 ࢥ朅澞 ऀ实䟗ս㩌 ߄ߧײ 䠙 ٯ 㾎ն 寶ॹԯҠ ऀ ॹԯ Ӥ㧜朅 澞 寶Љ ݹ 朅 侱Ї ܑ䠱朅 侱澞 Օਈ ਚࢥ朅澞 寶Љ 岽 斴㩌族ੴ 朅 फ 澞悤Օਈ㫵 ڧ 柸 ङҡ ډ 澞 寶Љ 䋝۴嬥 ݖݧ 栦澞 寶Љ ߋ 㱭 ݖ ҵପ梏Ս澞 Օਈ ਚࢥ朅 ि૨ 䟗ս 㡦 澞 Љ 㛼 ऀ י 澞 䟗ս 䎹 ऀ ڈ 澞 Ӥԓㆊ 孙 朅侱䂫 䃠檥И澞 ऀ 䟗ս㩌 Љ 寕 ޢ 㫮И嫅ؔङ ޢ 䬢 ݱ ҁ澞 ߎ䟗ս 旇 㒑 ڷ 栁㩌Ӷ昘ࡨ 澞 Љ ㆊѠѾ 檥 ݖ ҵ 梏㷬澞 䠞 ऀ 梏㷬㩌 ㆊ ۅࢴࣇ ࣆޣ ङ 巡惠曰 梏㷬澞 ...

Страница 4: ...ҁ 䟗ս澞䠞 ش ऀ 梏㷬㩌 ⳏࠀङ䥯 澞 ऀ 梏㷬㩌 寶Љ ݎ 嬥 䇃ୂӣ澞 ऀ 梏㷬㩌Љ ૦ҿѕ 朅һऀ ڇݖ 澞 Љ ऀ ڍ 斴侱չ怍 ݖ 栦澞 ߧײ Љਈ ٗٯ ҁ 寶Ӥ㧜朅 ճऽ䟗սङ ߆߆ؚ И ڶ 澞 寶 垰ࣲԕ娙澞 梏㷬 惨ऀ㧠 ы Ո 寶Љ ऀ㧠Ԇ䒠ѠѾ䃠檥 ҿѕ 巡澞 Ш侙樱չब昘ऽ岃ङы ԕ ܬ ॿ ૯檥 ԃ߄ஞ䭾ङы ڷ 栁 ߄ㆋы䥯ष ܶ ङ ە 䀖Ј ऀߎ䟗ս澞ஔள फੴ䥯 ի Їଚы ב ԕ ܬ ॿ 寶惠曰ߎ䟗ս澞 ...

Страница 5: ...ࡶ 澞 z 娙ߎ䟗ս㷬檥ӹ ڷ 栁䬢ґٝ㧜旇䟗ս朅 澞 z 䠞䤚ࣿ ࣆޣ 㾎檥䁬ࢥ㩌 ॗ 旇 չ寶昘旅ߎ䟗սङ۱߄ԅਈ澞 z Ӥԓ ߎ 䟗ս 娙 ழ ॶ乘չҿѕՕࣆߕ މ ङ љҲ䤚ࣿԮ暿澞 z 䟗սङ 娙Ճ侳ғ ं㐈 ؔܶ ㆋ㴂ы 悹੧澞 z 娙㩌 栁 朅俠૨И 娙ҿ嬥溟旇 Љ ش 㧠 SS ङȔ朅 Ҷ㴊旇昘ȕ љऀ㧠 ݎ ପ 㧜旇П㷬朅 ҿ框ؔ嶗忍ਈԃЉ ش 㧠 ν Ќ 娙 ࢀ ސ י Ҏ ݱ ҁङ ސ 澞 ⴥײ ۱ॐ z 寶ԓ 娙 ࠆܳ嘜ࡖࢀ И澞 z 寶ԓ 娙 䑍惐 ך ङ ۱澞 z 寶ԓ 娙 Ҹһࢀ 澞 z 寶ԓ 娙 ੬㹏 澞 z 寶ԓଷ嘮Ԇ䒠 ङӟ梏Ս ի Օਈ㫵 Ԇ䒠 惐䒠 ږ ࢮ䍿澞 z Ӥԓ 娙 惐㧠 ݎ ङ朅 ڇݖ அ 㷬檥朅 㡦 㩌 ଭۨҿѕ朅 㡦 澞 z ⳏॗӯऀ ߄Օਘ ݎ ପ朅 ङ३ ڔ 澝嬴㩌 ѠѾҿѕ娙 ऀߎ䟗ս澞ի 㫵㡦 ߎ䟗ս ਚ߄䤚ࣿࢮ䍿ङԮ暿澞 z ...

Страница 6: ... 5 澬ୂўդ䱺Ճ تؾ 澭 㷚檥 வ வ ୂڂ 惙 ݏ அ 侸澝ࡴ ۅ 䬛惐䌆侸 வ儺 桨ॐॶ ӟ梏Ս Љ挛捞 י 㼴 घ喳ॶ 惨ऀ㧠ॶՍ ڔ 娙 梏ঊ 惨ऀ㧠 מ ਰ 㠃䔯 ڔ 娙 ļ Ļ Ľ ķ ĺ ĸ Ĺ ѹ ࡄজ ...

Страница 7: ... 6 惙ܰ 2 桨ठ و ࡨ 厠 ङ惙 ݏ ஔֺ垹Љգ י ҿѕ桨ॐ बգ澞 朅ࡐ 㠹ܶॐ䒶 আҹ ஔնܶॐ䒶 嶗曰 ܶ ॐ䒶 㩌族桨ॐ 2 Ԅৗ桨ठ X_ 䓓ԅਈ KGZ 㾎ԅਈ KTZ 㠹㾎 㠹㾎 ڍ Ҡԅਈ GT ڲ 䝬梏ԅਈ 7 OIQ KGZ ବ ԅਈ KTZ ش 㩌㠹㾎ԅਈ 梏㸠ܶॐ䒶 O 3OJ 2U И Ѻ 搖擺指示燈 ...

Страница 8: ...ߕ ؔ މ յ愄澞 ؔࠃ寶ऀ SSФߋ㱃戼娸澞 ࠃ تؾ SS澞 ਲ਼䐘ପ י ڪ ङ 梏 㚙ү 娙 㒕 ם 㧠 SSङॆ巡 梏 澞 z 娙ӟ梏 ݎ 栦 ऀफ㒕Ő 16SS 栿 ङਘ ݸ 夊佸ㆊӟ梏 ݎ 栦 ؔ㧠 מ ਰߡЇङ ؔࠃ澞 z 娙㷬檥 ㆊ㷬檥չӟ梏ՍФ ࠤㆎ ӟ梏 ݎ 栦愄俩 Ӈㆊ㷬檥 ڪ Ї ݐ ҵ澞 寶䬢宸㷬檥չӟ梏 ݎ 栦 ݎ ՠ㒑 Ӈऀ Фਘ ݸ 夊佸फ㒕Ő SS 栿 ㆊ 㷬檥 ؔѻ澞 z 㧠յⴜ佖㵜Ф族ङ߂ ش 族 䎹 IS澞 A B D C ӟ梏 ݎ 栦 Ő SSਘ ݸ 夊佸 栿 272 380 ؔࠃ 排氣管 下傾1 2 距離牆50cm以上 檢查口 出風 接頭 自攻螺絲釘 2顆 面罩 機 體 ...

Страница 9: ... 8 澬 娙 ࡣސ Ճ寕 ޢ 澭 ա査 ߂ ם 娙 z 娙㷬檥 ऀ3 夊 ܷࣁЈⴥܶॐ ㆊП㷬 ؔ բߔЇ ڏ 岚 ऀ3 բߔ ؚ ы ਘ੧巳嶮 澞 z 娙 㾎 㾎 ӟ梏 ݎ 栦с ݎ 垰寶ऀ匿 娘 دإ 澞 㾎 է چ ފ יو ν چ 澞 z 㧠յⴜ佖㵜Ф族ङ߂ ش 族 䎹 IS澞 3 բ㰧 3 夊 彈簧介子 介子 彈簧介子 3 夊 מ ਰ ݵ 寪 ޅ 夊 ...

Страница 10: ...ړ 娙 惨ऀ㧠㿮߄ҝ מ ਰङࢀ ऀ 澞 үㆊ㠃䔯 ݵ 㷷 䲰 ؔ 䔯Ї Ӈٔҵ㷬૯ ݵ Ї澞 Ӈ ݎ 榛 Ȕ SS फ㒕 㾎 ӱ ࣸॶ澞ऀ匿 ࣸ匿 梏 ؔ ӟ梏Ս ݎ 栦Ї ㆋ㴂ы ב 澞 Օљ 娙ङ㷬૯ تؾ SS 栉ऊ߂ ص SS 娙 㾎Սչ ଳѹ 澞 㷬૯Լ چ SS 㧠յⴜ佖㵜Ф族ङ߂ ش 族 䎹 IS澞 澬 娙 梏 澭 娙梏 㚙ହҲљЈ ە 䀖 惐㧠㑢 澞 㑢 ךן 澞 㾎 㑢栦 曰厠㷬檥 ן 澞 ݎ 栦 倴 ش 澞 200mm ...

Страница 11: ... 10 澬 娙 ࡣސ Ճ寕 ޢ 澭 ॅՌ ړ 娙 تؾ வߡ 昆 SS SS 㷬૯ 昆 SS SS Љԕ ܬ வߡ ॶՍ旇 昆 SS 娙 ࢀ 挣ॶ ܚ 㾎۳ॶՍѹ ՕљՈї ܚ 㾎۳澞 ㆊЉ挛捞 י 㼴ऀ夊佸 ؔ 挣ॶॶࠃ澞 ऀ ࣸ匿ଭ ױ յ愄அࡊ ߎ䟗ս惨ऀ㧠ॶࠃ昆 چ SS љЇङॶ檥 娙 ڏ 岚䟗ս 愄厠䔯 א Ф族 栉ऊ SS љЇ 曰澞 外殼 ؔ வ儺 Љ挛捞 י 㼴 朅 俠ӟ俠 ...

Страница 12: ... 娙ङѹ Ї㸮 ݶݎ Ғ垹ङ ߧݼ 澞ਲ਼实ѹ 䐘ࡣ 㷬檥 ݎٯ Չ 寶Ր惴㤋ՠ惨ङѹ ऀ㩌㒡 ڇڂ ИՈӟ惙 ݏ ㆎੋ㷬檥悹੧ ݱ ҁ澞 Ќ 娙ѹ 㚙ହҲ ਰ䍘फ䃷垰澞 惙 ݹڇڂ ݏ ۱ 娙Фѹ ও栦垰ҟЇ孄垹澞 孄垹垰擟 ⷃ ҵ 匿 Ӈऀ夊佸 ؔ惙 ڇڂ ݏ 澞 ㆊ ট 8 朅ࡐ ݹ ҵ惙 ݏ Иͺ ㆊ ޔ 扸 柿㩌所怍ਙѹ ͺ ۸旇朅ࡐ嘮ͺ ㆊ ট 8 朅ࡐ ݹ ҵ惙 ݏ Иͺ ࡨ 嶗㴊 ސ է ޏ 嘮Ї朅ࡐ嘮ͺ ㆊ ޔ 扸 ଢ㩌所怍ਙѹ ͺ ㆊ惙 ݹ ݏ 惙 ڇڂ ݏ 澞 ...

Страница 13: ...昘旅 ش 㩌 ش 㩌 㠹㾎 Ѻ Ѻବ惎怍 昘旅 昘旅 ش 㩌 ش 㩌 䓓 ੬ 䏔 ବ惎怍 ବ惎怍 旇 ش 㩌 ش 㩌 䓓 И Иବ惎怍 Иବ惎怍 旇 ش 㩌 ش 㩌 䓓 Ѻ Ѻବ惎怍 Ѻବ惎怍 旇 ش 㩌 ش 㩌 ڲ 䝬梏 ࢀ 䃪梏 ବ惎怍 ବ惎怍 昘旅 ش 㩌 ش 㩌 ڲ 䝬梏 И Иବ惎怍 Иବ惎怍 昘旅 ش 㩌 ش 㩌 ڲ 䝬梏 Ѻ Ѻବ惎怍 Ѻବ惎怍 昘旅 ش 㩌 ش 㩌 আҹ ஔն ਈਘ 䠙ն 㤜㾎ն 䅍 㿙ؔ風速 惎怍 昘旅 昘旅 ش 㩌 ش 㩌 ҿѕ ش 㩌㠹㾎 ࢀ 㾎 Ѻବ惎怍 昘旅 昘旅 ش 㩌 㠹㾎 ڍ Ҡ Ѻବ惎怍 昘旅 昘旅 ӣ摺 㡯㤻 ӟ梏梏喳㤻 ЇЈਘ چ 㤻 ۴ چ Ф族寪忇 嶗曰 嶗曰 忼ӟ 昘旅 旇 昘旅 旇 昘旅 ࡨ Ԇ䒠 旇 ݱ ҁ㩌 䤚䒠 㫵߄䒠募Ӓ倴ङ惐३ ײ 刴嫁ࢤࢤ ङ利 悤 ٯ 䛂 澞 ...

Страница 14: ...㩌澞㩌族㫵 㤜Ӿ棻㩌族桨ॐ 2 Ї澞Јࠩ 㫵 ऀৱङ农㘴 ਘ 孄㚇ӹ ࠩङ㩌族孙ؔ澞 z Ҡ 䠞ܷȔҠ ȕ揗 惎怍 ۱孙ؔङ㩌族㒑 2 Ȕ7 OIQ KGZȕՃӾ棻㩌族㫵 ࣂ䇝 ߎ㷬㫵ਘ Ҡ 澞 z 䠞Ԇ䒠 Ҡ 惎怍Ф㒑 梏۳ё㫵惎怍伏 ॡ љㆎԆ䒠 悹੧Ӓ 澞 㾎ԅਈ И Ѻ z ܷȔ 㾎ȕ揗 2 Ȕ KGZȕԅਈ桨ॐ 梏 љȔ Oȕࠥ ڔ 旇 惎怍澞 婂ܷȔ 㾎ȕ 揗Օ惴㤋 O 3OJ 2U 梏 澞 z ؔ㩌 栉孙㩌族䎹 ش 㩌 Օପ惐ܷȔ㩌族ȕЇЈ揗 ݷ 岴孙ؔ㩌族澞Օ孙 ⴜ䎹 ӣ摺 ش 㩌澞㩌族㫵 㤜Ӿ棻㩌族桨ॐ 2 Ї Јࠩ 㫵 ऀৱङ农㘴 ਘ 孄㚇ӹ ࠩङ㩌族孙ؔ澞 z ࠥ ڔ Јؔ㩌ङ㩌族 O 3OJ 2U 梏 ङ ݷ 岴Љ ڧ 柸㩌族ङ嬴 澞 z Ҡ 䠞ܷȔҠ ȕ揗 惎怍 ۱孙ؔङ㩌族㒑 2 Ȕ KGZȕՃӾ棻㩌族㫵ࣂ䇝 ߎ 㷬㫵ਘ Ҡ 澞 z 䠞Ԇ䒠 Ҡ 惎怍Ф㒑 梏۳ё...

Страница 15: ...旇 惎怍 婂ܷȔ 䓓ȕ揗 Օ惴㤋 O 3OJ 2U 梏 澞 z ؔ㩌 栉孙㩌族䎹 ش 㩌 Օପ惐ܷȔ㩌族ȕЇЈ揗 ݷ 岴孙ؔ㩌族澞Օ孙 ⴜ䎹 ӣ摺 ش 㩌澞㩌族㫵 㤜Ӿ棻㩌族桨ॐ 2 Ї澞Јࠩ 㫵 ऀৱङ农㘴 ਘ 孄㚇ӹ ࠩङ㩌族孙ؔ澞 z ࠥ ڔ Јؔ㩌ङ㩌族 O 3OJ 2U 梏 ङ ݷ 岴Љ ڧ 柸㩌族ङ嬴 澞 z Ҡ 䠞ܷȔҠ ȕ揗 惎怍 ۱孙ङ㩌族㒑 2 Ȕ X_ȕՃӾ棻㩌族㫵ࣂ䇝 ߎ㷬㫵 ਘ Ҡ 澞 z 䠞Ԇ䒠 惎怍Ҡ 㒑 梏۳ё㫵惎怍伏 ॡ љㆎԆ䒠 悹੧Ӓ 澞 ڲ 䝬梏ԅਈ И Ѻ z ܷȔ ڲ 䝬梏ȕ揗 2 Ȕ GTȕԅਈ桨ॐ 梏 љ O ࠥ ڔ 旇 惎怍澞 婂ܷȔ ڲ 䝬 梏ȕ揗 Օ惴㤋 O 3OJ 2U 梏 澞 z ؔ㩌 栉孙㩌族䎹 ش 㩌 Օପ惐ܷȔ㩌族ȕЇЈ揗 ݷ 岴孙ؔ㩌族澞Օ孙 ⴜ䎹 ӣ摺 ش 㩌澞㩌族㫵 㤜Ӿ棻㩌族桨ॐ 2 Ї澞Јࠩ 㫵 ऀৱङ农㘴 ਘ 孄㚇...

Страница 16: ...㫵ਘ Ҡ 澞 z 䠞 ࠩ ݎޏ ପ朅 寶㧠 ӣ摺㒑۵旇 আҹ ஔնԅਈ љҎ 㚙 䆯 䅍ٗҁ澞 ҿѕ ش 㩌㠹㾎ԅਈ z ܷȔ ش 㩌㠹㾎ȕ揗 2 Ȕ KTZȕԅਈ桨ॐ 梏 љȔ2U ࠥ ڔ 旇 惎怍 宸 惎੧ ش 㩌㒑Ҡ 惎ҁ澞 z Ҡ 䠞ܷȕҠ ȕ揗 惎怍 䠌㒑 2 Ȕ KTZȕՃӾ棻㩌族㫵ࣂ䇝 ߎ㷬㫵ਘ Ҡ 澞 㠹㾎 ڍ Ҡ z ܷȔ㠹㾎 ڍ Ҡȕ揗 2 Ȕ KTZȕԅਈ桨ॐ 梏 љȔ2U ࠥ ڔ 旇 惎怍 宸 惎੧ ӣ摺㒑Ҡ 惎怍澞 z Ҡ 䠞ܷȔҠ ȕ揗 惎怍 䠌㒑 2 Ȕ KTZȕՃӾ棻㩌族㫵ࣂ䇝 ߎ㷬㫵ਘ Ҡ 澞 㡯㤻ԅਈ 焝 ਘ Ї澝Ј z ڲ 䝬梏۳惎੧㩌 梏喳 宸䎹 ܷ چ Ј 㡯㤻ȕܷ揗 Օ ݷ 岴梏喳અ چ 惙 ݏ И ȕ ȕ溟щ澞㡯㤻ԅਈ Љ惨ऀ㧠㠹㾎澝 ش 㩌㠹㾎澝㠹㾎 ڍ ҠՃআҹ ஔնࠥ ܷ ڔ 揗䐘 ݼ 澞 z અ چ 㤻 䠞 ڲ 䝬梏۳惎੧ङӹ ݕ Ј ...

Страница 17: ...ԅਈ 焝 ۴ 澝 z ࣔ孙۴ 㡯㤻ԅਈ Օҁ چ 㐋昆ଟ梏寪 ݏ தИଟ梏ԅਈ澞 㤵 ށ ଟ梏 தИଟ梏 嶗曰 ԅਈ z ڲ 䝬梏۳惎੧㩌ܷȕ嶗曰 ȕ揗 嶗曰 ԅਈ旇 惙 ݏ Иȕ Ȕ溟щ澞嶗曰 ԅ ਈ Љ惨ऀ㧠㠹㾎澝 ش 㩌㠹㾎澝㠹㾎 ڍ ҠՃআҹ ஔնࠥ ڔ 㩌 ܷ 揗䐘 ݼ 澞 z Ҡ 惎੧惐३И ܷЈ 嶗曰 ܷ 揗 嶗曰 ԅਈҠ գ㩌2 ⴥॐȕ Ȕࣂ 䇝 ӇܷࠩЈܷ揗 嶗曰 ԅਈ旇 2 ⴥॐȕ Ȕщ 澞 ...

Страница 18: ...ㅲ暲 ە 䀖 Չ ऀ栴ࣤ३ چ Ճ י 䝬 ۱ ڧ 柸澞 ࡨ ࡴ ۅ 䬛惐䌆侸ЉՕ ݹ ҵࡊИࢎ ࡴ ۅ 䬛惐䌆侸 娙 ࡣސ ү櫕旇 ۴ܾѹ娋ङ夊佸 ࣀ㒑ㆊவߡէЇ۸旇澞 էӹՈӟஅ 侸澞 ܜ 旇ࡴ ۅ 䬛惐䌆侸ԕ娙 ㆊஅ 侸৬怍 ӝӟङߴ ㆊ惐䌆侸 அ 侸Ї澞如面向機體正面 過 濾網應該是安裝在左手邊 ݹ அ 侸澞 ㆊவߡՠЇ գ㩌ܷ Ї ސ અљ ҶՠЇவߡ ࣀ 㒑ㆊ夊佸Ї ۴ܾ娋澞 澬ґ森Ճ Ҷз柾澭 ґ森Ճࢎ䉟 侳ғӹ寶 ڷ 昘 朅 澞 வ儺ࢎࣲ 寶үљ 徣ङ ܭݳ ٢ ㆊவ儺檀檣ङୂӣࢎࣲ 䄒澞 љ 䄒ङ ܭݳ ٢ 䇎߄И ࢎۅ 䉟 ङ䇃ࡊИ 䉮䋝 ݳ Ф㒑 ܭݳ வ儺 Ӈऀࢎࡊ䉮䋝ङ ܭݳ ٢ ܭݳ ଲ ੮வЉՕ߄ࢎ䉟 㼑ऊ澞 வ儺 惐䌆侸 ...

Страница 19: ... 桨ॐ ީի ݶݎ Љӱ惙 ݏ Ғ垹 ㆊ惙 ݏ ㆎ䆯㷬檥 ⴜ ݶݎ ݏ Ӳ㷬檥 惎怍利 岴 ם 惐䌆侸ஊ 寶ՈЈ惐䌆侸ࢎஔࡑ 㠹 ޏ ङ惐䌆侸 䐘ࡣ惙 ݏ 惙 ݏ 朅ࡐ朅 惐Ѻ 㠹朅ࡐ Ҷз柾 惎怍И寶ԓㆊ۴ܶѵҵவ儺 љҲՉ ଶԆ䒠 䓇 澞 寶ԓէ㷬檥ⲏࡊ 㫵ଭۨ榆惕 ݻ ஞ Ԇ䒠 ࢥ朅ଭۨ嬥朅 澞 䎹д ऀЇङ Ҷ ਲ਼߄љЈऔ䖚Ճҿѕ䠙 ٯ 㩌 䎹дஅ з ݻ 䤚ࣿ 寶ବӤ㧜朅 孃ՠ嶾ࠀ朅ԃٗ३ 恗 ғࣲ 㸮 澞 澬佛ㆎЉ ਘ੧ғࣲ љҲ䤚ࣿԮ暿澞澭 㷬 ۳喳侙 ٯ Љ惎怍澞 朅 㩌旇㩌昘澞 惎怍И䟗ࣿ䠙 ՃЉ ٯ 㞦 澞 匿䠙ն ҿѕ厉ն䤚ࣿ澞 ...

Страница 20: ... ߄ײ 岴 㕀ЉՐ੧ପऽ澞 z Иਸ਼ ߄ײߎ ކ ӟҵ ࠢљИ ކ 䔜䆯澞 z ߎ䟘ս ऀ寕 ޢ 㫮љ NOXRVUUR IUS NQ 侸Ї 䔜߂ ߎ ޏ 䎹䆯澞 澬 娙 ўࢎ 澭 娙 ऀନ սդ 嫅ࠀ 㦧 惙 ݏ 娙 ؔ惙 ݏ 匿 Ő Љ挛捞夊佸 Ő ॶՍ 娙 י 㼴 ؔ Љ挛捞夊佸 Ő 㠃䔯 娙 支架 ؔ 匿 Ő Љ挛捞夊佸 Ő 㠃䔯 ݵ מ ਰ 娙 י 㼴 ؔ מ ਰ 娙 Љ挛捞夊佸 Ő 4 ؔ 梏ঊ Љ挛捞夊佸 Ő 16 բ査 ؔ ؔ夊 3 ѐ Ő 㑜চѐ Ő מ ਰ ݵ 梏ঊ 惨ऀ㧠 מ ਰ 㠃䔯 ڔ 娙 י 㼴 ؔ 吊頂天花 Љ挛捞夊佸 Ő ...

Страница 21: ... MANUAL HB21417 HB21424 Please read this Operation Manual carefully before using this machine Warning In order to prevent damage or accident this machine must be installed by those qualified technicians recognized by the government ...

Страница 22: ...supplier and manufacturer s replacement Make sure the power wire places on suitable location and will not block the road WARNING In order to avoid overheating do not cover the heater The heater must not be located immediately below a socket outlet Do not use this heater in the surroundings of a bath a shower or a swimming pool Product do not control room temperature when there is no responsible pe...

Страница 23: ...e children and vulnerable people are present This product must be connected to the ground wire Incorrect connection to the ground wire may cause danger Please check the reliability of the ground wire connection and do not use your own power wire If your plug does not match this machine please ask qualified electrician for the acceptable outlet Follow all the safety precautions listed below for saf...

Страница 24: ... It may lead to electric shock Please don t have the wind blow to the children directly for a long time It may influence the children s health Please don t touch the plug by wet hands Please don t put the wood or metal stick into the air inlet or outlet It may lead to electric shock or product damage Do not use it on outdoor areas This appliance is for household use only Do not immerse the applian...

Страница 25: ...on cord or exchangeable plug Unplug heater if it fails to operate properly and inform customer service center Dispose of packaging properly The heater only for personal use not for heating any liquids or other danger things Persons including children with reduced physical sensory or mental capabilities or any individual lacking experience and knowledge should be supervised or given instruction by ...

Страница 26: ...an 3m machine an in steam s where it is in public b in a wardr t otherwis to the ele damage of mmes or ti product O athroom or t directly u do not re e 5 he place wh e empath wing back f downward ont Panel furnace dir convectio eatures thod beyo wn in order o prevent he room ensure th op using i ains and o ce should utoff switch mm and t nd install t sauna bath s exposed bathroom robe se it may ca...

Страница 27: ...ont Side Bottom Remote Control 1 Pre Filter Carbon Filter 3 Display Panel 5 Stainless Steel Housing 7 Air Outlet Joint Applicable to Ceiling Wall type installation 2 Front Panel 4 Air Outlet 6 Metal Louver Applicable to Window type installation ļ Ļ Ľ ķ ĺ ĸ Ĺ ...

Страница 28: ...ontrol of HB21417 and HB21424 is the same except the model number difference 2 Function Display X_ 䓓ԅਈ KGZ 㾎ԅਈ KTZ 㠹㾎 㠹㾎 ڍ Ҡԅਈ GT ڲ 䝬梏ԅਈ 7 OIQ KGZ ବ ԅਈ KTZ ش 㩌㠹㾎ԅਈ Battery Replacement 6th sense Ionizer Time Display Air volume Hi Mid Lo Swing И Ѻ ...

Страница 29: ...ly install hard exhaust pipe of inner diameter 100mm Install the Air outlet joint Please use 2 self tapping screws Φ4 16mm to fix the air outlet joint in the ceiling of the fixed box Install the Main Body Please put the main body directly face the guide slot of the air outlet joint then push up the main body Please ensure that the main body joined to the air outlet joint then use 8 subsidiaries of...

Страница 30: ...t ustable nut to fix the m penders and to seat the uld have the tween the s 9 main body w d need to be junction be e tendency surrounding with the M8 e purchased etween the 1 degree to g structures 8 nut and th d separately exhaust pip o 2 degree s should be he suspende y pe and the a down towa 50 cm ers air outlet ards M8 Suspender M8 Nut Lock Washer Washer Lock Washer M8 Nut Ceiling suspension B...

Страница 31: ...air outlet joint with tape or metal clamp 4 Applicable size of the main body 420x320mm need to reserve 200 mm on the right side to install the exhaust pipe and air outlet joint Thickness of the main body 216mm 5 The minimum distance between the surrounding structures should be 50cm Air Exhaust Please avoid the following situations when installing the exhaust pipe 1 Over bending 2 Bending too much ...

Страница 32: ...ix the stainless steel housing to the frame of the aluminum window must use the waterproof glue for the waterproof 3 This product can be installed on a window with a frame width of 450 mm or above In both right side and left side it is suggested to reserve a distance of minimum 15mm between the product and the wall Stainless Steel Housing Wall Stainless Steel housing Front panel Outlet holes of po...

Страница 33: ...er 3 Fix the remote control holder to the designed place and make marks according to the arrows 4 Dig holes according to the mark fill the holes with 2 plastic plugs and fix the holder with screws 5 Install two R03 AAA batteries to the remote control A Rotate the knob clockwise to the position B Open the battery cover C Install two R03 AAA batteries to the remote control pay attention to the direc...

Страница 34: ...eed Medium Speed On 4 hrs 12 hrs Dry Lo Low Speed Low Speed On 4 hrs 12 hrs 4 Fan Hi Bathroom Cooling High Speed High Speed Off 4 hrs 24 hrs Fan Mid Medium Speed Medium Speed Off 4 hrs 24 hrs Fan Lo Low Speed Low Speed Off 4 hrs 24 hrs 5 6th Sense De odor Intelligence Auto Deodorization Determine the fan speed by the odor sensor Off Off 2 hrs 24 hrs 6 Others 24H Vent Air Exhaust Low Speed Off Off ...

Страница 35: ...er the LCD Quick Heat and time display would disappear and the machine will stop automatically When the heater stops running the fan will continue run 25 seconds to cool down the heater HEAT Function Hi Mid Lo Press the Heat button the LCD displays Heat icon air volume will run at Hi mode Press the button again to select Hi Mid or Lo mode Timer the default time is 2 hrs By pressing Timer up or dow...

Страница 36: ... hrs The time counter will be displayed on the LCD The time selected will be recorded in memory when it is off and will resume in your next usage Under the mode the inter change of the air volume between Hi Mid or Lo will not affect the time counting Stop when press the Stop button or the pre set time runs over the LCD Dry and the time display would disappear and the machine will stop automaticall...

Страница 37: ... the 24H Vent button the LCD displays 24H Vent icon the air volume will run at Lo mode The default running time is 24 hrs Stop when press the Stop button or the default time runs over the LCD 24H Vent and the time display would disappear and the machine will stop automatically Delay Vent Function Start press the Delay Vent button the LCD displays Vent icon the air volume will run at Lo mode The de...

Страница 38: ...w Ionizer Function When the circulation fan motor is running press the Ionizer button the LCD will display icon Ionizer function is not valid under the modes of Vent 24H Vent Delay Vent and 6th Sense Stop when Ionizer is running press the Ionizer button Ionizer will stop and the LCD icon would disappear Press the Ionizer button again Ionizer will turn on again and the LCD will display icon as well...

Страница 39: ...r back to the machine 5 Close the front panel and also press the upper left right corners to close it completely Tighten the screws back to the two sides of the front panel Maintenance and Safety Items Maintenance and cleaning Please do turn off the power before maintenance work 1 Front panel cleaning Please use the soft rag to clean the dirty place of the front panel Put a clean rag in the warm w...

Страница 40: ... does not work Low battery Change the battery Safety Items Do not put your hands into the machine when running to avoid from injury or burn by the heater Do not spray water into the main body which may damage the motor or cause electric shock by the electricity leakage In order to avoid from any accident or injury if any of the following symptoms and abnormal situation occur please switch off the ...

Страница 41: ...www whirlpool com hk Installation Accessory List Installation Usage Name Specification Amount 1 Remote control Fix the Remote Plastic plug Φ8X27 2 Screw 4 25 Φ 2 2 Window type Fix the housing Screw 4 25 Φ 8 Fix the metal louver Screw 4 16 Φ 2 3 Wall type Fix the wall kit Plastic plug Φ8X27 4 Screw 4 25 Φ 4 Wall Mount Kit 1 4 Ceiling type Fix the housing Ceiling fixed frame Screw 4 25 Φ 4 8 Fix the...
