I. Rationale for Development
Based on in-depth analysis of the
facebows on the market engineers in
conjunction with several leading cli-
nicians and educators prepared a list
of criteria for the development of this
new facebow. The Slidematic Facebow
was designed to satisfy the following
• An accurate earbow that moves
straight horizontally for different
facial widths, unlike the caliper type
that moves off the vertical axis.
• A minimal number of parts and fin
ger screws to permit a facebow reg-
istration to be taken in less time.
• The ability to send the bitefork
assembly (without the measuring
bow) to the laboratory, preventing
damage to the bow in transit.
• Ease of mounting the maxillary cast
by not having to transfer the measur-
ing bow to the articulator.
• The capability of taking multiple
facebow records at the lowest pos-
sible cost through the use of only
one measuring bow and different
bitefork assembly for each case.
II. Benefits and Features
Facebow Transfer
The facebow transfer procedure
establishes the relationship of the max-
illary dentition to the horizontal refer-
ence plane so that the maxillary cast
may be mounted on the articulator in
the correct anatomical position. The
Slidematic Facebow provides a fast,
easy and extremely accurate means of
transferring the proper anatomical rela-
tionship to the articulator.
Benefits and Features
• The precision manufacturing of the
unique “speed-slide” gear mecha-
nism makes it very easy to assemble
the bow on the patient.
• The right and left arms of the mea
suring bow are geared to precise
equidistant movement from the cen-
ter of the bow.
• The scale on the measuring bow rep
resents the patient’s intercondylar
distance (not the interbow distance)
for ease in setting articulators having
this adjustment.
• The Slidematic Facebow can be used
on all DENAR
articulators. It also
adapts for use with SAM
, Whip
, and HANAU
• The bow uses the external auditory
meatus reference point for determin-
ing the arbitrary hinge axis location.
• The built-in reference pointer aligns
the bow with the horizontal refer-
ence plane.
• The built-in sight can be used to
view the anterior reference point.
• The measuring bow should not be
mounted on the articulator during the
transfer procedure. The bow, when
detached from the vertical shaft, can
be used again immediately with the
additional transfer jigs (vertical shaft,
bitefork assembly and articulator
index). In this manner, the maxillary
casts may be mounted at any time.