Please call for replacement parts or assistance:
Whalen Furniture Mfg. Inc
Factory No. 4
Page # 3
Parts List
Please read completely through the instructions and verify that all parts
listed are present before beginning assembly.
I- Middle Drawer Bottom Panel (1)
J- Support Stretcher (2)
L- 4” Bolt (8+1 extra) M- Barrel Nut (8+1 extra)
O- 1/2” Bolt (26+1 extra) P- 1” Screw (46+2 extra)
Q- Metal Knob QQ- Wood Knob R- 5/32”x1 1/8” Bolt RR- 3/16”x7/8” Bolt
(8+1 extra)
(8+1 extra)
S- Wood Dowel
T- 3” Bolt
U- Small Flat Washer
(12+1 extra)
(8+1 extra)
(8+1 extra)
V- Lock Washer (8+1 extra)
Allen Wrench (1)
Touch Up Pen (1)