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Grreeyy W

Waassttee T


Ensure all relevant personnel read the points listed
below before servicing this product.

Read the points listed below before installation and
use of equipment.

The Grey Waste Tank is designed to collect waste
water from shower trays and sinks, then automati-
cally trigger a suitably attached sump pump to
empty the tank (we recommend the Whale Gulper
220 pump, BP1552 (12V) or BP1554 (24V) or for
higher flow applications, Whale Gulper High Flow
BP3552B (12V) or BP3554B (24V). 
If it is intended for use for any other purpose or with
any other liquid, it is the users' responsibility to
ensure that the tank is suitable for the intended use
and, in particular, that the materials are fully com-
patible with the liquids to be used.
The Grey Waste Tank has 8 inlet ports of various
outer diameters (detailed in Fig. 3).
Waste water enters the tank through these inlets
from shower trays and sinks etc and as the water
level rises, reaching a sufficient level, the float
switch is activated, causing the sump pump to
operate and empty the tank.
The Grey Waste Tank is made from medium density
polyethylene and holds 8.15 litres (2.15 US gals) of
water when full. It comes with a 6" diameter (152
mm) clear inspection hatch allowing easy access
for cleaning and  maintenance.

The provided wiring harness includes a relay which
must be used to protect the float switch.
The wiring loom is supplied attached to the switch.
coloured terminals are to be connected to the
pump. This leaves the brown and black terminals to
be connected to the power leads (see Fig. 6 & 7).
Provision has been included on both sides of the
grey waste tank to allow a Gulper pump & relay to
be mounted (see Fig. 4 & 5). Five mounting screws
& washers are included which screw into the inserts
in the sides of the tank (see Fig. 5).  

The preferred method of discharge through the hull 
is above the waterline. Where this is not possible a 
vented loop must be used.
The tank can be mounted either horizontally or at an
angle not more than 10 º to the horizontal. Four
mounting screws are provided - these are screwed
down, with the supplied washers, via the four feet of
the tank to secure the system in position. 
The tank comes with three different inlet port sizes,
(see table overleaf). The inlets are opened by drilling
a hole using the pilot mark for guidance. The drilling
options listed in the table overleaf give the recom-
mended drill sizes to use. After drilling the holes in
the ports, ensure swarf is removed from inside the
Check that all hosing connected to the system is
tightly secured (we recommend using two hose
clamps per port) and that no leaks occur.

As a helpful hint we recommend flushing out the
system every six months to clear the tank of debris.

Whale Grey Waste Tanks are guaranteed for 1 year
against defects in materials and workmanship.
The manufacturer cannot be held responsible for
claims arising from incorrect installation, unautho-
rized modification or misuse of the product.

TToo tthhee FFiitttteerr

TToo tthhee U



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