Technical Manual EMP 500.xx v4
h Münzprüfer Dietmar Trenner GmbH, Germany
Version 1.51
Page 20/27
subject to technical modification
EMP500.xx v4
The next line contains the installed options, which are separated by a “/”.
Teach mode
Extended temperature and humidity range
Along the right margin are the serial number and the week and year of
manufacture. The same information is contained in the bar code.
The remaining space on the label is devoted to the specification of the
programmed coins. These specifications are in the form of a table. The columns
have the following meaning:
Coin type (Value and currency)
Teach mode channels are marked with TKn. „n“ = number of blocking
switch, which has to be used to activate the teach mode for this
Blocking switch for the broad channel
Blocking switch for the narrow channel
Blocking switch for the very narrow channel
Blocking switch for a coin type or coin group (currency)
Output line
The EMP 500 v4 is an extraordinarily robust coin selector and operates relatively
maintenance free. However, it should be cleaned at regular intervals especially if it
is operating in an environment with high levels of dust, smoke or nicotine. The
cleaning intervals are of course dependent on the level of air borne contaminants.
Modest use with minimum contaminant levels indicate the need to clean the top of
the coin path once a year. Open the coin path door and wipe the exposed surfaces
with an alcohol moistened cloth. The light sensors may be cleaned with a soft
brush or air spray duster.