Set-up and Operation
Adjusting the Solar Module
1. Always align the front side of the solar module horizontally
pointing to the sun at noon – this means to the south on the
northern hemisphere and to the north on the southern hemi-
sphere. If necessary, use a compass.
2. The vertical angle of the module should correspond to the
degree of latitude of your position. This ensures the best
energy efficiency during the whole year.
Alternatively to the method described above you can use the
following formula to calculate the angle for winter or summer:
Summer = Latitude - 22.4° / Winter = La 22.4°.
For Lizard Point in Cornwall UK, the following calculation is
Summer = 50° - 22.4° = 27.6° / Winter = 50° + 22.4° = 72.4°
3. Keep the module out of the shade and mount it in an area
exposed to the sun all day to achieve the maximum energy
If the unit is positioned close to strong radio transmitters,
malfunctions of the motion sensor are possible. Strong radio
transmitters may be amateur radio operators in the neighbour-
hood or transmitters for mobile communications or broadcast
stations. In this case it is possible that the lamp will turn on
although no one is in the field of vision of the sensor.