CENS® Hydrophobic Protection
DefendEar Digital Hearing Protection devices are protected with Water-Shield™
The Water-Shield bio-compatible coating is a highly durable “Teflon-like”
amorphous carbon polymer coating that protects DefendEar Digital modules
from accidental liquid exposure.
Tests have shown that a hydrophobic coating can reduce water penetration
by 3–5 times over an unprotected product.
The Water-Shield process is created at reduced pressures of deep outer-
space (an equivalent altitude of 200,000 feet above sea level) and applied
at nanometre film thickness, only about 1/2000th the thickness of an
average human hair, so that the carbon atoms can diffuse deep into the
product, resulting in a hydrophobic coating over every exposed surface. It is
completely invisible to the naked eye.
• Greater protection from water
• Improves reliability
• More hygienic
• Increases device life