West Eurotech engines are engineered to meet the requirements of sport
flyers. The modern design has true ABN construction for extra long life
with other advantages of improved performance like reliability and easy
handling. The West Eurotech COMBAT 25 model engine you have
purchased will give you dependable performance and it will be a source of
satisfaction and pleasure if you follow these instructions and warnings as
to its proper and safe use.
Becoming Acquainted with your West Eurotech Combat 25
Safety Instructions and warnings
Please read through these instructions sheet in its entirety before
attempting to operate your West Eurotech engine to familiarize yourself
with operation and engine features!
Don’t forget:
You and you alone are responsible for the safe operation
of your engine. So act sensibly and with care at all times. This engine
is not a toy, but a precision built machine whose power is capable of
harming you or others if abused, misused, or if you fail to observe
these safety precautions.
Keep anybody, especially small children, who can be hurt when the
engine is running, at least 20 feet away.
Mount the engine properly and securely in your airplane or on a
suitable engine mount. Follow the mounting recommendations on the
airplane kit.
Use the correct size and pitch of propeller for your engine. See the
Propeller size Specification in this instruction sheet, consult your
model's plans, and always follow the instructions of the propeller
Mount the propeller with the curved side facing you. Tighten the
propeller nut securely against the washer and the propeller with a
correct propeller wrench. Do not use pliers.
Inspect your propeller regularly. If propeller has any nicks,
scratches, cracks or any other sign of wear, discard it!
Never alter,
repair, bend or shave a propeller.
Inspect the propeller nut and spinner between each run and tighten if
necessary. Engine vibration can cause loosening.
To stop engine, adjust throttle linkage to completely close and cut off
air supply. You also can cut off fuel supply by pinching the fuel line or
disconnecting the fuel line from the carburettor.
In any case keep your hands away from the propeller, to start engine
use only an electric starter or a “Chicken Stick”!
Keep glow plug clip and its cord away from spinning propeller.
To stop a running engine never use hands, fingers or any part of your
body, also never throw anything into a spinning propeller to stop it.
Keep your face, body and any objects away from the path of the
propeller while starting and running your engine. Never lean over a
running engine
Stay behind engine while performing any adjustments.
Do not run engine in an area containing loose gravel or sand, as
these maybe thrown in your face, and could also weaken the
propeller, causing failure.
Follow all engine fuel warnings. Keep it in a safe place, away from
the danger of sparks, cigarettes, excessive heat, and anything, which
could ignite the fuel.
Engine fuel is extremely flammable and must be
handled with great care.
Never run engine in enclosed area, (garage, basement, etc.) Model
engines, like automobile engines, emit deadly carbon monoxide gas.
Run your engine only in a well-ventilated open area.
If you carry your model while engine is running, be very cautious.
Do not fly your model under or near high-tension electrical wires.
Use safety glasses or a safety shield when starting or running your
Do not have tight fitting cowling or oversized spinners, as they will
impede airflow to engine, causing overheating and damage to the
Do not allow loose clothing, (shirts, ties, etc.) to come near the
propeller. Keep loose objects (pencils, screwdrivers) out of pockets
to prevent them from falling into propeller.
If using a spinner of any kind, ensures that it's edges do not come in
contact with the propeller blades.
Model engines create considerable heat as they run. Do not touch
any part of your engine until it has cooled.
You and you alone are responsible for the safe operation
of your West Eurotech Combat 25 engine.
Use good safety sense at all times. If you have any questions, do not
hesitate to contact your dealer or the Weston Service Centre.
Operating any model with your engine requires skill and safety
precautions. A flying model can develop a great deal of power, enough to
seriously injure people and do substantial property damage.
Know what
you are doing - get proper training from an experienced modeller before
operating your model!
When you rotate the crankshaft of the engine by hand, you may find that
the movement of the crankshaft is not smooth and is somewhat hard to
turn when the piston is near the top end of the cylinder liner. This is not a
defect or manufacturing fault. When the engine runs, the cylinder of the
engine expands due to the heat of fuel combustion. The top of the cylinder
becomes much hotter than the bottom. The ABN type cylinder bas been
precisely machined so that when the engine is at its optimum running
temperature, the sides of the cylinder are straight and the piston can
travel freely up and down. When the engine is cold, the top of the cylinder
becomes very tight for the piston. This is typical of most ABN engines,
which have been designed properly.
Mount your engine securely to a rigid engine mount: The top surfaces of
the mount should be flat and parallel to prevent placing stress on the
engine crankcase. For security, use hardened steel screws, steel hex nuts,
and lock washers. To obtain the highest performance from your engine,
the engine mount should be as rigid as possible. In order to reduce engine
noise, flexible engine mounts are available. When using a flexible mount,
you may notice a loss of performance of 100-200rpm, and the engine may
vibrate to some degree on the engine mount.
The fuel tank should be located close to the engine. The top surface of the
fuel tank should be slightly higher than the centre line of the main spray
nozzle in the carburettor. For West engines, this will be the same height as
the needle valve. The size and location of the fuel tank will greatly affect
the operation of the engine. When using pipe pressure, make sure to seal
all joints between the cap and the fuel tank, and the cap and the fuel
tubing. This will prevent fuel or pressurised gas from leaking out when the
engine is running.
We recommend to only use Liquid Gold/Pro Synth 2000 fuel in your West
Eurotech Combat 25 engine, containing between 5 - 15% nitromethane.
Note that even a small change (3-5%) in nitromethane will improve
flexibility, making the needle valve adjustment less critical and improving
throttle response.
Basic Needle Settings !
With Pro Synth 2000 / 10%
Idle Needle = 211/4 turns
High Speed Needle = 1 1/2