Before staring work on the wheelbarrow, make sure the shipment is complete.
To assemble the wheelbarrow, you require 5 and 6 mm Allen spanners and 8
and 10 mm fork spanners.
All screws are inserted with the screw head on the inside and the nut on the
outside of the wheelbarrow.
It is advisable to tighten all connections only lightly during assembly. After the
wheelbarrow has been assembled, tighten all screws and nuts.
Assembling the Box of the Wheelbarrow
The floor panel (7) is connected to the side panels (1) and (9). The folded
strips on the side panels must be below the base plate. The brace (6) is
attached to the second screw hole on each side for added stability. Use the
screws (11) and the screws (13).
In the next step, the rear panel is installed. Install the panel in such a way that
the folded strips on the side panels and on the base plate are under the rear
panel (e.G. outside the box).
For now, insert the screws (13) without nuts.