Recommended Rack Configurations
1. Overview
1.5 Vertical Rack Rail Settings
Vertical Rack Rail Settings
The vertical rack rails should be adjusted to the specified measurements in all of the recommended rack
configurations to ensure the enclosure and cable management fit properly. After the front and rear vertical
rack rails have been adjusted the enclosure rails can be extended or retracted to best fit these adjustments.
Refer to the specific rack manufacturer documentation for instructions on how to adjust the vertical rack rails
on the chosen rack.
Both front vertical rack rails should be adjusted to a depth of 41mm / 1.61in. from the front of the rack frame
as shown in the image below.
Figure 3:
Front Vertical Rack Rails
Both rear vertical rack rails should be adjusted to a depth of 812mm - 914.4mm / 32in. -36 in. from the front
vertical rack rails as shown in the image below.
Figure 4:
Rear Vertical Rack Rails