Homelift (VM) – User Manual VM00 7105
Wessex Lift Co Ltd
4.10. Illuminated In-Car Controls
– For ease of identification all control buttons within the car are
illuminated. Each button controls the function/operation of the lift.
To aid the user, the buttons that are illuminated are the only
buttons that can be operated at that time. The lift unit has in-built
logic based on its location.
If, for example, you are at the upper level, the green up arrow will
not be illuminated because the only travel options available to you
are to either open the door or to go to the lower level.
The reverse applies if you are at the ground level. These features
are designed to get you up and running with the minimal amount of
training possible.
A more detailed explanation of operation is given in section 5.
4.11. Wall Mounted Call Stations
– Wall mounted call stations are positioned at the upper and
lower levels. They are used to call the lift, or send it to a parked position. On lifts with a powered
door, the call station is also used to open and close the door
. (Powered door is optional)
There are two main types of call station:
Hard-wired call stations
Wireless call stations
Please make yourself familiar with the type of call station you have. Further detail is provided on the
following pages.
Fig 4.10 - In Car Control Console
Содержание HOMELIFT