Wire Material/Color
Starts at:
Ends at:
Purpose, Remarks
W = stranded
(Subunit, PC Board, Terminal)
(Subunit, PC Board, Terminal)
S = shielded
148 S black
Preamp, V V 2, plug 3,pin E 2 (shield
cut off)
Drawbars L/M an, term. 13 (shield to term.
Audio from L/M an
drawbars to preamp
149 S gray
Preamp, V V 2, plug 3, pin E 3 (shield
cut off)
Volume control " U/Man"term. S (shield to
term. A) (rear)
Audio from fixed stops
U/Man to preamp
150 S blue
Preamp, V V 2, plug 3, pin E 4 (shield
cut off)
Dra wbars U/Man, term. 14 (shield to term.
Audio from U/Man dra
wbars to preamp
151 S white
I Preamp, V V 2, plug 3, pin E 5 (shield
cut off)
Volume control "Spec. Eff."term. S (shield
to term. A) (rear)
Audio from spec.
effects to preamp
152 S brown
Prea mp, V V 2, plug 5, pin E 11 (shield
cut off)
Volume control "Piano", term. S (shield to
term. A) (rear)
Audio from piano to
153 not used
154 W yellow
Spec. effects, E F 1, plug 3, pin 2 3
Wah w ah control, term. S
"Manual wah wah "
155 W yellow
Spec. effects, E F 1, plug 1, pin 2
Spec. eff.rate control, term. A (front)
Percussion rate
156 S white
Spec. effects, E F 1, plug 1, pin 8
(shield to pin 7)
Volume control "Spec. Eff."term. E (front)
(shield cut off)
1 Audio from Spec.
eff.to volume control
157 W brown
Spec, eff., E F 1, plug 2, pin 9
Control "Free Run Wah"term. S
157 and 158 are
158 W brown
Spec. eff., E F 1, plug 2, pin 10
Control "Free Run Wah"term. A
159 S red
Spec. eff., E F 1, plug 2 ,pin 11 (shield
cut off)
U/Man drawbars,term. 9 (shield to term.
Preset 3rd harmonic
160 S blue
Spec. eff., E F 1, plug 2, pin 12
U/Man drawbars,term. 8
(shield to term. 17)
2nd harmonic
161a S gray
Spec. eff., E F 1, plug 2, pin 13 (shield
cut off)
Spec. eff., E F 1, plug 3,
pin 20 (tie shield to shield of 161 b)
Audio from fixed stops
to spec. effects
161b S gray
Spec. eff., E F 1, plug 3, pin 20 (tie
shield to shield of 161 a)
Fixed stops U/Man, G P 1, plug 2 , pin OUT
(shield to pin G N D)
Audio from fixed stops
to spec. effects
AM 071 (Part)