Sensors for Roller Conveyor Systems
Block Discharge
Standard Block Discharge
The entire accumulation zone is forwarded as a single block and all accumulation positions are simultaneous-
ly activated. Block discharge can be activated via the corresponding input.
Eco Block Discharge
This operating mode is similar to block Discharge, but in this case the entire accumulation zone isn’t always
activated and advanced, but rather only up to the point to which packages have actually accumulated. And
thus only occupied accumulation positions are activated which reduces energy consumption, decreases
noise levels and results in less wear and tear.
Automatic Block Discharge
This operating mode is similar to standard block discharge, but in this case discharge is not activated by
means of a signal applied to the input, but rather also by manually removing an object. Individual discharge is
thus automatically converted to block discharge. This is an alternative to individual discharge which results in
time-optimized follow-up discharge.