1. Simply open the large rear door to gain access to the rear of the furnace, to
make plumbing and electrical connections.
2. Open the protective cover on the side of the blower. Simply swing it open so the
inlet is exposed ¼ of the way. Door is shown swung open below.
The fire should be blazing when the fan is on. It
should be just smoldering if the fan is off.
Quickly crack open the firebox door to see what the
fire is doing. (Leaving the door open any length of
time will give you a blazing fire.)
If you have too hot a fire with the fan
, close the
cover on the side of the fan a little more. The water
should never be boiling. If it is, the cover is open
too far or there is a downdraft problem.
3. The plumbing and electrical lines for your furnace must be installed underground
in a watertight (glued) 4” or 6” PVC pipe OR use pre-insulated pipe.
HOWEVER, some building codes require that the electrical wire be run 18”
away from the Pex pipe. Be sure to check YOUR LOCAL BUILDING CODES!
The water lines must be buried below the frost line to prevent freezing. The depth
of the trench varies in different regions of the country. Be completely sure about
the correct depth before the PVC pipe and Pex Pipes (or pre-insulated pipe) are
installed underground. Call your local building inspector’s office for that
4. A trench must be dug wide enough to accommodate the pipe that you choose. All
plumbing and electrical lines are usually run inside the watertight PVC pipe.
Remember to run 2 small ropes or twine through it as well to facilitate
pulling anything else through that may be added or changed in the future!
6. If more than one location is to be heated, then additional PVC with Pex pipe,
must be installed underground to that location.
7. This pipe will run from the rear of the furnace to the location to be heated. Inside
the watertight pipe are the water lines and electrical supply wire (12/3 UF
Some building codes require that the electrical wire be run
separately in the trench, 18” away from the Pex pipe (not in the PVC pipe).