sound pressure
average (rms) difference between the air
pressure that occurs during sound transmission and the ambient
air pressure.
static admittance
admittance of the middle ear at the air
pressure corresponding to the tympanometric peak. It is calculated
by subtracting the admittance of the ear canal from the admit-
tance at the tympanometric peak. The MicroTymp estimates static
admittance by subtracting the admittance at 200
from the
peak admittance.
recording of the admittance of the ear as a
function of ear canal air pressure.
tympanometric gradient
measure of the shape of the
gram in the region of the tympanometric peak. The MicroTymp
calculates the gradient by determining the pressure interval
corresponding to a 50% reduction in admittance on either side
of the peak. Also called the tympanometric width.
tympanometric peak pressure
value of ear canal air pressure
at which the tympanometric peak occurs.
tympanometric width
-see tympanometric gradient.
-the measurement of acoustic admittance in the
sealed ear canal as a function of ear canal air pressure.
-a complication of otitis media that is charac-
terized by sclerotic regions involving the tympanic membrane,
ossicles, and middle ear mucosa. Tympanosclerosis increases
the stiffness of the middle ear system.
volume velocity
volume of air that passes through a plane
per unit time.