3. OS Upgrade
This section shows you how to update the OS image of a cMT-SVR.
1. Copy the MTfirmware.bin file to root folder of a SD card.
2. Flip DIP Switch 2 of the cMT-SVR to ON position.
3. To monitor the update progress, run HyperTerminal software on your PC and set the parameters to
115200, 8, N, 1. Connect your computer with the cMT-SVR via COM1 RS-232 port.
4. Insert the SD card to cMT-SVR and reboot to update the OS image. The update succeeds when
HyperTerminal displays
Starting Kernel
two minutes
after reboot.
5. Power off the cMT-SVR and then flip DIP Switch 2 of the cMT-SVR back to OFF position.