Specialized Concentrated Focused
Tool, G40
Fig. 3-45 Schematic Diagram of Tool Compensation Processing
G17 G01 G41(G42) X10 Y10 F1000 D01 ' linear interpolation and tool radius compensation
G02 X_ Y_ I_ J_ ' circular interpolation
Among the above in shadow, G41 means left compensation, namely the tool will deviate a distance
towards the left side of tool heading direction and this distance is tool radius; G42 means right
compensation, namely the tool will deviate a distance towards the right side of tool heading direction and
this distance is tool radius. X10Y10 is the endpoint coordinates of linear motion. F1000 represents the
tool moves at the speed of 1000 mm/min. D01 is the parameter of G41/G42, namely the tool
compensation number. From D00 to D07, they have their own corresponding radius compensation value
in the tool compensation table.
For the details of programming of tool compensation instruction, see
NC Studio
Programming Manual
3.11.3 Across Quadrant Error (AQE) Compensation
When a circle is processed, distortion, like a spike, may occur at the transition position from one
quadrant to another one. AQE (across quadrant error) compensation can solve this kind of distortion.
AQE compensation includes parameters to eliminate the spike near the transition position from one
quadrant to another one in circular machining. The settings of each axis in positive and negative
directions are all similar.
Related Parameters:
Setting Range
Enable AQE compensation
Whether to enable AQE compensation
True: enable
False: disable
AQE compensation time
0 ~ 0.3 (sec)
AQE compensation length
0 ~ 10 (mm)
Delay time of AQE compensation
0 ~ 10 (sec)
Intensity of AQE compensation
0 ~ 1
To enable AQE compensation, set parameter
“Enable AQE compensation” as “True”.
Compensation time:
the larger the value is, the larger the compensation-affected area will be.
Recommended value is 0.02 sec.
Compensation length:
the larger its value is, the more obvious the compensation result will be.
However, note that too large value will make the arc concaved, while too small value will not