Wi-Fi device IE-WL-VL-AP-BR-CL
Web Console Configuration
System-related events
Event is triggered when…
System warm start
The IE-WL-VL-AP-BR-CL is rebooted, such as when its settings are
changed (IP address, subnet mask, etc.).
System cold start
The IE-WL-VL-AP-BR-CL is rebooted by power down.
Watchdog triggers reboot
The IE-WL-VL-AP-BR-CL is rebooted by watchdog
Network-related events
Event is triggered when…
LAN link on
The LAN port is connected to a device or network.
LAN link off
The port is disconnected (e.g., the cable is pulled out, or the
opposing device shuts down).
Client joined/ left
(for AP/Master mode)
A wireless client is associated or disassociated.
WLAN connected to AP
(for Client/Slave mode)
The IE-WL-VL-AP-BR-CL is associated with an AP.
WLAN disconnected
(for Client/Slave mode)
The IE-WL-VL-AP-BR-CL is disassociated from an AP.
RSTP changed
The RSTP topology has changed
RSTP new root bridge ID
The RSTP changes its root bridge ID
Client Roaming from previous AP to
current AP (for Client/Slave mode)
A client roams from a previous AP to the current AP if the signal
strength of the current AP is greater than the previous AP by a
certain value.
IP address conflict
The IE-WL-VL-AP-BR-CL has the same IP address as another
device connected to the same subnet.
Link fault pass-through LAN/WLAN
connected because of WLAN/LAN up
The WLAN/LAN link is up and the Link fault pass-through (LFPT)
enables the LAN/WLAN functionality.
Link fault pass-through LAN/WLAN
disconnected because of WLAN/LAN down
The WLAN/LAN link is down and the Link fault pass-through (LFPT)
disables the LAN/WLAN functionality.
Channel availability check over DFS
frequency (for AP/Master mode)
The channel availability check (CAC) is started on channel
[channel] at [frequency] GHz for 60 sec./
The channel availability check (CAC) task has been completed on
channel [channel] at [frequency] GHz./
A radar signal is detected on channel [channel] at [frequency]
AeroLink protection state
The AeroLink protection state changes.
AeroLink states: Initialize (init)/ Discovery/ Idle/ Negotiation
(nego)/ Back up/ Active/ Changed/ Undefined (undef)
Configuration-related events
Event is triggered when…
Configuration Changed
A configuration item has been changed.
Configuration file import via Web Console The configuration file is imported to the IE-WL-VL-AP-BR-CL.
Console authentication failure
An incorrect password is entered.
Firmware upgraded
firmware is updated.
Loaded the configuration from
The configuration is successfully loaded/there is an error loading
the configuration from