Place the Chi-Roller somewhere in your room on the floor (best, in
front of a chair, couch or armchair). Connect the cable with the
device first and afterwards with the socket.
Turn it on with the switch (7) and adjust your desired speed of the
drum with the potentiometer (4).
Now sit on the chair and put your feet on the rotating drum.
Hereby you have to pay attention to the following.
The massaging direction (blood flow) should always be towards the
heart, that means if you sit on your chair in front of the device and
look at it from
the drums rotating direction needs to be
towards you and not away from you. This is normally the case when
the Chi-Roller is set up in front of you and the Power Cord exit is on
the back side of the device.
The best time to achieve a good result is when first timers put their
feet for about 5 – 10 minutes in the morning and in the evening on
the drum. You can individually shorten or extend the time by your
own need and feeling.
The energy flow
is activated, the blood circulation of the feet
is stimulated and after a short time you will feel pleasant well-being.
At the beginning arising tickling or unpleasant feeling in the foot
soles quickly disappears while still massaging.
If you walk on your floor right after the application, you will
experience the feeling of walking on a moss-soft forest ground.
You can also massage other parts and areas of the body as for
example the inner hand, upper arms, calves, thighs, belly, hips etc.,
you should pay attention to not bringing bones in contact with the
drum, because this hurts and can cause oedema.
At the above mentioned massaging application it is important that
the massaging direction is towards the heart again as described
earlier in this chapter.