Warn�ng: Please be aware of the follow�ng po�nts otherw�se you m�ght be �n danger �f h�gh voltage
1.Never d�sassembly the base un�t w�thout consult qual�f�ed personnel. In any problemat�c s�tuat�on
contact w�th Weewell Author�zed Serv�ce.
2.If the supply cord �s damaged, �t must be replaced by the Weewell Author�zed Serv�ce.
3.Do not add detergents, chem�cal solut�ons �nto the un�t.
4.Unplug appl�ance dur�ng f�ll�ng, clean�ng and ma�ntenance.
5.If there �s any abnormal smell dur�ng normal operat�on, please sw�tch off and d�sconnect power supply
and contact w�th serv�ce agent.
6.Never touch water �n the Water Bas�n & components �n the water when the un�t �s �n work�ng.
7.Never sw�tch on when there �s no water �n the water bas�n.
8.Never scrape Transducer.
9.Never clean Transducer w�th hazardous detergents, chem�cal solut�ons.
10.Never let water splash �nto �nner Base Un�t for avo�d�ng components damage.
11.Be careful when us�ng the appl�ance for em�ss�on of hot water vapor.
12.Before clean�ng and ma�ntenance, the appl�ance must be d�sconnected from the supply ma�n.
13.Th�s appl�ance �s not �ntended for use by persons (�nclud�ng ch�ldren) w�th reduced phys�cal, sensory
or mental capab�l�t�es, or lack of exper�ence and knowledge, unless they have been g�ven superv�s�on or
�nstruct�on concern�ng use of the appl�ance by a person respons�ble for the�r safety.
14.Ch�ldren should be superv�sed to ensure that they do not play w�th the appl�ance.
15.Indoor use only.
16.Pr�or to clean�ng or other ma�ntenance, the appl�ance must be d�sconnected from the supply ma�ns.
● Remove the appl�ance from the package. If the package has been damaged, please contact w�th the
po�nt that you bought.
● Wh�le open�ng the package, check the parts and be sure they are not damaged. If there be a damaged
part, do not operate the product.
● If there �s an odor �n the product, you should vent�late �t.
● Be sure before operat�ng the un�t, the voltage of the ma�ns supply corresponds to the operat�ng voltage
of the un�t.
● Read carefully the user manual before operat�ng the un�t.
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Содержание WHC740
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