Introduce shut-off valves for each unit if 1
pump provides cooling for more than 1
air-conditioning unit.
This will allow easy priming of the circuit
and also calibration of the sea-water flow
for each air-conditioning unit in case of
imbalance in the water tubing lengths.
3) Evaporator coils :
The finned coils of the evaporators and/or
air-handlers are fragile. When during
installation the fins of these coils are dam-
aged, take care to re-align the fins in
order not to impair proper air-flow.
4) Air-ducts :
Flexible air-ducts need to be of good qual-
ity with sufficiently strong steel or plastic
re-inforcement. Do not restrict air-flow by
bending the air-ducts too tightly or by
accidental local deformation.
Do not install air-ducts of excessive
lengths (+ 2.5 ml); the pressure loss and
consequent reduction of air-flow will seri-
ously diminish the efficiency of the instal-
When starting up an air conditioning unit
it is advisable to carry out a certain num-
ber of routine checks to ensure proper
functioning of the unit.
- always check (especially after a long
absence) the functioning of the sea water
cooling system. Immediately stop the sys-
tem if no sea-water comes out of the pump
exit after compressor starts up.
- periodically check the air filter in the
return air grilles. Clean if necessay.
- check condensation drain from the evap-
orator drain pan.
- take care not to damage the air-ducts. A
damaged air-duct may stop air flow
through the evaporator, freeze up the
evaporator and subsequently damage the
- when preparing for winter lay-up take
care to rince all sea-water circuits with a
fresh-water/glycol solution (25% or more
depending on local winter conditions).
1) No sign of live : check main electrical
supply, fuses, etc.
2) The digital display shows 3 lettres
<AAA>. This means a persistent state of
low voltage (less than 195 V AC). The
system will re-start as soon as the voltage
level climbs above cut-out level and the
system will then re-start after a time-
delay of 1 minute approx.
3) The compressor will start but no sea-
water circulation can be observed :
- check sea-cock to sea-water pump.
- check sea-water strainer
- check if pump turns
- if the pump does not turn with the com-
pressor working, check power-supply
from the main control unit box to the
4) Compressor and pump work but no cor-
rect operation in either cool or heat cycle :
- check proper air ventilation - blowers. If
air flow completely stops with the com-
pressor working, the evaporator coils may
freeze up completely, obstruing all air cir-
- during the heat cycle with too slow a sea-
water circulation you may actually freeze
up the sea-water in the cupro-nickel con-
denser and completely block the system.
- check voltage level. Do not operate a
system with a persistent voltage level
below 195 V AC.
- check freon charge if operation is still
not satisfactory, after having checked all
the above points.
5) The compressor works but is subject to
intermittent stops without having attained
the desired set-point temperature.
- the HP and BP (if present) pressure safe-
ty switches stop the compressor because
of abnormal working pressures either on
the high or on the low side. Check proper
functioning of the cooling circuit. Check
ventilator/blower system for obstructions.
- incorrect freon charge (over-charge or
insufficient charge level).
See also here-above : Error codes/inter-
rupted system operation.
6) The heat cycle takes very long to get
- normal if the sea-water temperature is
very low. If sea-water temperature drops
below approx. 8° C. the heat cycle
becomes much less effective and takes
long to get properly started.
* * *
Operation/Installation Manual - WBCC Series - Page : 9
Operation/Installation Manual - WBCC Series - Page : 9
Edition dated 1st January 2004