External Alert Flashing Light
To increase alert visibility, the weather radio is designed with "External Alert
Jack" and access to flash accessories. When a weather alert is received,
the lights flash.
When you program your S.A.M.E. county code(s) into the MD319 weather
radio, you eliminate any alerts that are not within those counties. Warnings,
watches and advisories of weather and other area emergencies, about 50
different types, will activate the weather radio for only your programmed
specific area.
The S.A.M.E. message the NWS sends contains information pertaining to
the period for which the alert is valid. NWS can set the active time of the
alert from 15 minutes up to 6 hours. When the designated time has passed,
the weather radio display message and light will automatically reset to their
normal appearance.
External Alert Flashing Light
External Antenna
Alarm flash accessories