ANR022 - Radio module cross migration guide
4.2 Host firmware adaption
4.2.1 Overall behavior
As the
sub-GHz proprietary module
and the Thyone-I are both proprietary radio modules,
both are similar w.r.t. their behavior. This means that the same network topologies are sup-
ported and the same data transmission can be used.
Due to this, the application’s behavior must not be changed when replacing a
sub-GHz pro-
prietary module
by a Thyone-I radio module.
4.2.2 UART interface
Both, the Thyone-I as well as the
sub-GHz proprietary module
, use an UART interface. It is
configured as 115200 Baud 8n1 by default.
sub-GHz proprietary module
supports all baud rates between 9600 and 921600 Baud,
where the Thyone-I supports only distinct baud rates between 1200 and 1000000 Baud. Fur-
thermore, for baud rates higher than 115200 Baud, the flow control must be used at Thyone-I.
For Thyone-I the flow control of the UART is enabled when running a firmware
update via the UART interface.
Both, the Thyone-I as well as the
sub-GHz proprietary module
, provide a transparent mode
and command mode:
Transparent mode:
All bytes sent to the radio module are transmitted via radio. All bytes
received via radio are output by the UART without any protocol (header and footer). See
Command mode:
Hexadecimal commands of pre-defined structure are used to control the ra-
dio module, like triggering a transmission or going into sleep mode. See chapter
On both modules, the operation mode can be chosen in the same way:
Applying a low signal to the
pin during the reset till the module is booted up,
starts the command mode.
Applying a high signal to the
pin during the reset till the module is booted up,
starts the transparent mode. Transparent mode
The transparent modes on both modules have the same function. Only the trigger that starts
the radio transmission of data may differ. There are several options such as:
Transmit radio data after timeout
Transmit radio data after ETX character has been received via UART
Version 1.1, July 2023