Webster-Calhoun DTV | IPTV Middleware Version 2.0 | Rev. August 10, 2010 | Page 13
There are Search capabilities that allow you to either search for a full title of a program or for a word
within a title. You can use the Search tool in the Guide to find all instances of a program by title. Or, you
can use the tools to enter a partial name and search for all instances of a word to locate your program.
This works well if you can’t recall the full name of a program or movie.
Perform a Title Search Within the Guide
While viewing the Guide, press the Search button (yellow button) on the remote control.
This will perform a full title search to return all instances of the selected program. In this
example, we found all instances of the program “Ace of Cakes.”
If there is an instance of the program in the search results that you would like to record, you
may schedule a recording from the list of search results. Simply use the Browse/Arrow (up and
down) buttons to highlight the program and then press OK on the remote control. Follow the
steps to schedule a recording.