Shenzhen Waytronic Electronics Co., Ltd.
WT-WS1 V1.00
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7.How to set up timing play and Interval play
7.1:Press the the “Timing”,you will see two option,one is Timing play,other one is Interval play ,like
bellow photo 1 :
Timing play
(1)You will enter set up interface after press”timing play”,like bellow photo2,you can: select which day of
this week to play, select audio name(chose single loop play or all loop play, volume etc) , turn on or
turn off the light panel,set up the start time and end time
(2)Press the audio name , You can select one audio file to play when you selected single loop in that
time which set up ,like bellow photo 3
(3)Press the audio name, If you select all loop, then all file in your list will be play again and again in that
time which set bellow photo 4.
Interval play
Press the the “Timing”,you will see two option,one is Timing play,other one is interval play ,like bellow photo
(1)press “interval play” you will see photo 2, in this interface you can: select which day of this week to
play, select audio name(choose single loop play or all loop play, volume etc) , turn on or turn off the
light panel,set up the interval time
(2)Press the audio name , You can select one audio file to play when you selected single loop,then it
will play that audio file one time first ,then after 2 minutes(it is optional ) it will play once again ,like
bellow photo 3
(3)Press the audio name, if you choose all loop ,then it will play all audio file once in each interval
time , Such as : if the interval time is 3 minute , then it will play 00000001 first ,after 3 minute, it will play
00000002,after 3 minute, it will play bellow photo 4.