3-1 Serial Port
3-1-1 RS232 test
Use the converter from USB to RS422 to connect device with computer, open the serial
port debugging tool, set up the serial port tool parameter according to the serial port
number in the setting.
Open the Serial Port API Sample, set the parameter: Click Setup
115200 and return.
Click Console, press digital 11, and click send. The serial port debugging tool receiving
box will show the information;
Press digital 11 in the computer serial port debugging tool, the device will receive the
information successfully.
3-1-2 RS422 test
Use the converter from USB to RS422 to connect device with computer, open the serial
port debugging tool, set up the serial port tool parameter according to the serial port
number in the setting.
Open the Serial Port API Sample, set the parameter: Click Setup
9600 and return.
Click Console, press digital 11, and click send. The serial port debugging tool receiving
box will show the information;
Press digital 11 in the computer serial port debugging tool, the device will receive the
information successfully.
3-1-3 RS485 test
Use the converter from USB to RS485, the rest operation is the same as RS422 test.
3-2-1 OBD Interface as shown: