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WX-501-0527 • 05.22
Middle jack –
dedicated communications for sensor 2 detection calls
Lowest jack –
dedicated communications for sensor 1 detection calls
The back of the Click 222 features a 5-position connector that plugs into a T-bus connector and provides power
and RS-485 communication to the device. It also passes RS-485 communication from the module to all other
devices on the T-bus.
The bottom of the Click 222 has three pluggable screw terminal blocks with four terminals each, for a total of
twelve connections. These terminals are used for wiring in the cable from the sensor. The terminals have four
different RS-485 connections, each consisting of a +485 and a -485 terminal; two of these connections are for
detection calls and two for the control bridge, allowing two sensors to be wired in to each Click 222. This will be
explained in greater detail in the Installation section of this document.
Configuration Features
The front of the Click 222 has four LEDs that indicate device activity and status:
PWR (red) lights up to indicate that the device has power.
DC Surge OK (blue) lights up to indicate DC surge protection is working.
TD (green) lights up to indicate when data is transmitted over the T-bus or over the control bridge. This LED does
not indicate data transmitted on the A or B ports.
RD (yellow) lights up to indicate when data is received over the T-bus or over the control bridge. This LED does
not indicate data received on the A or B ports.
The Click 222 is commonly used with the SmartSensor Matrix and SmartSensor 6-conductor cable; the steps
that follow in this section are specific to this application. If you do not plan on using the 6-conductor cable, you
can skip the steps below and simply wire your power and communications by following the labels on the screw
terminals; in this case, be aware that you should use the terminals marked 485A and 485B for detection calls.
+485C-485C +485D-485D
+485A (orange stripe)
-485A (orange)
+485C (blue stripe)
-485C (blue)
DC+ (red)
DC- (black)
-485B (orange)
+485B (orange stripe)
-485D (blue)
+485D (blue stripe)
DC+ (red)
DC- (black)
Sensor 1
Sensor 2
Earth ground