Attach the SIM7600G-H 4G for Jetson Nano (SIM7600 hereafter) on 40PIN GPIO of Jetson Nano.
Inset the USB connector, connect the micro USB interface of SIM7600 to Jetson Nano
-If you want to communicate SIM7600 via Serial port, you can also turn the DIP switcher into
Connect MAIN antenna and the GPS antenna
Software setup
Open a terminal and install libraries by the following commands
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get python3-pip
sudo pip3 install pyserial
mkdir -p ~/Documents/SIM7600X_4G_for_JETSON_NANO
wget -P ~/Documents/SIM7600X_4G_for_JETSON_NANO/
cd ~/Documents/SIM7600X_4G_for_JETSON_NANO/
tar -xvf SIM7600X_4G_for_JETSON_NANO.tar.gz
sudo pip3 install Jetson.GPIO
sudo groupadd -f -r gpio
sudo usermod -a -G gpio your_user_name
sudo udevadm control --reload-rules && sudo udevadm trigger
sudo apt-get install minicom
Note: you should replace your_user_name with the actual user name.