The NLS automatically ensures channel variation by loading a different channel model
for each instance of the NLS Channel component, chosen from the pool of 32 modeled
channels per console.
VCA Groups
In the analog world, VCA is an acronym for Voltage Controlled Amplifier. On many
analog consoles, there is a physical distance between channels that makes it difficult to
move them simultaneously. Therefore, many consoles are equipped with VCA group
faders which are used to control the output amplifiers of multiple channels.
In the NLS plugin, VCA stands for Virtual Control Aggregator which, similar to its analog
counterpart, provides simultaneous control over multiple NLS Channel instances. For
easy access, the NLS VCA Groups Console can be opened from any NLS instance.
Each NLS instance must be assigned, from within its GUI, to a VCA Group.
Please note:
VCA Group Consoles do not process your signal in any way; rather, they serve as
remote control surfaces for groups of NLS instances.
There are 32 channels and master buss presets per Studio console. User presets are
comprised of two parts: one for the Channel or Buss section, and one for the VCA
Groups Console section. Each section may be loaded independently using the Waves
preset system; they may not be loaded independently using your host’s preset system.
NLS Channel components open different modeled presets for each instance. However, if
a channel instance is duplicated, the same model will be duplicated as well. Therefore,
we recommend that each NLS Channel instance is opened directly from your DAW drop-
down menu, or using the shortcuts described below.
Waves NLS
User Guide