Wave
‐
4G
‐
QuickStart
Guide
(
‐
English)
Page
/
Waveloc
Solutions
Ltd.
Vasiliou
Tsitsani
str.,
Glyfada,
16675,
Athens,
Greece
web:
http://waveloc.com
‐
e
‐
mail:
–
Phone:
(+30)2111980092
9.
How
to
Flash
the
router
firmware
If
you
need
to
flash
the
router
firmware
due
to
a
reset
or
a
firmware
upgrade,
login
to
the
router
and
in
the
top
menu
choose
“System”
and
“Backup/
Flash
Firmware”.
The
Flash
operations
page
loads.
Scroll
down
to
the
“Flash
new
Firmware
image”
section.
Click
on
the
“Choose
File”
button.
In
the
pop
up
window
locate
the
firmware
file
and
select
it.