How Much Improvement Should You Expect?
In short: it’s hard to say. Many people see an increase in data rates of between 50% and 200%.
But some people only see 10%. Our CEO often says that despite all the science, wireless
signals often work in “strange and magical” ways.
One thing is for sure: the more patient you are and the more locations and directions you try,
the more likely you are to see a big increase in data rates.
If you’ve gone through this manual and aimed the antenna(s) as we suggest, but you’re still not
seeing much improvement, reach out to us for help. We’re generally available from 9 am to 5
pm PT, Monday to Friday, and we love helping solve tricky install problems.
This is the process that we suggest using for installing your MIMO External Antenna:
Read this manual.
Ideally from start to finish so that you understand the whole process
before you begin.
Assemble your antenna(s) to your mount.
Start by assembling your mount and
attaching your MIMO Panel Antenna or cross-polarized Log Periodic Antennas.
Find the best antenna location and direction.
This step is the most time-consuming, but
it’s worth the effort. Getting it right has a huge impact on your system’s performance.
Make notes of your readings on the table in section 4.
Verify performance and hard-wire everything.
Without making any holes in your roof or
walls, temporarily run the cable indoors to your hotspot or router and run speed tests. If
everything looks good, it’s time to finalize cable runs and hard-wire everything.
Tell us how your system is doing.
We really love hearing how our customers’ systems
are performing. Send an email or give us a call and let us know how things look.
Install Process Overview