WM_PRJ_M13_UGD_001 - 001
20th July 2004
© 2004
All rights reserved
Wavecom Confidential & Proprietary Information
This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged
without prior written agreement.
5.3 Operational status of the modem
The operational status of the modem is given by the status of the green LED
located on the front panel of the modem.
The table below gives the meaning of the various statuses available.
Table 1: Operational status of the modem
LED Status
LED light activity
Modem status
LED ON permanent
Modem is switched on but
not registered on the network
LED Flashing slowly
Modem is switched on and
registered on the network, and its
activity status is idle mode
LED Flashing rapidly
Modem is switched on and
registered on the network, and a
communication is in progress
Modem is switched off.
5.4 Echo function disabled
If no echo is displayed when entering an AT command, that means:
The “local echo” parameter of your communication software (such as
Hyperterminal) is disabled,
The echo function of the modem is disabled.
To enable the echo function of the modem, enter the
When sending AT commands to the modem by using a communication
software, it is recommended:
To disable the “local echo” parameter of your communication software
(such as Hyperterminal),
To enable the echo function of the modem (
ATE1 command).
In a Machine To Machine communication with the modem, it is recommended
to disable the echo function of the modem (
ATE0 command) in order to avoid
useless CPU processing.
For further information about
ATE0 and ATE1 commands, refer to document [1].