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Using a ruler and a pencil, measure down 1/2" from the top of the rudder, at the leading edge, and draw a mark, then
measure down 3-1/4" from the top of the rudder, at the leading edge, and draw a second mark.
Carefully hand-drill a 1/16" diameter hole into the rudder, for the hinges, at each of the two marks you drew.
Be careful to drill the holes perpendicular to the leading edge and not at an angle. Also be careful that you don't drill
out through the sides of the rudder.
Apply a thin layer of lightweight oil or Vaseline to the pivot
point of each hinge.
Mix a small quantity of 5 minute epoxy and glue the two
hinges into
the rudder. Remove any excess epoxy
using a paper towel and rubbing alcohol, and allow the epoxy
to set up.
Push the hinges into the rudder far enough so that one-
half of the pivot point is recessed into the leading edge.
After the epoxy has set up, pivot the hinges back and forth several times to loosen the pivot points.
Align the rudder with the back of the fuselage and carefully mark the locations of the two hinges onto the rudder post.
Carefully hand-drill a 1/16" diameter hole into the rudder post at each of the two marks you drew.
Apply a thin layer of lightweight oil or Vaseline to the pivot point of each hinge.
Hinge the rudder to the fuselage using 5 minute epoxy.
Remove any excess epoxy using a paper towel and rubbing
alcohol, and allow the epoxy to set up.
When hinged properly, there should be little or no gap
between the rudder and the fuselage, and the top of the
rudder should be even with the top of the fuselage.
After the epoxy has set up, pivot the rudder back and forth several times to loosen the hinges' pivot points.
Step 2: Installing the Tail Wheel Assembly
Using a modeling knife, carefully cut a thin slot in the
bottom of the rudder, deep enough for the tail wheel tiller arm
to be pushed down into.