Step 3: Landing
Before attempting to land make sure that the Electric Cub is flying straight into the wind with the wing level.
Pull the motor on/off switch back toward you to turn the motor off. At this point the Electric Cub will begin to
descend. Allow the airplane to gradually descend. If the airplane seems to be descending too fast, gently pull back on the
up/down control stick to make the Electric Cub pitch up to level flight. This will bleed off speed and slow the decent.
Once the airplane has slowed down, release the control stick and allow the airplane to continue its decent. Once the
Electric Cub is about 15 feet off the ground make sure the wing is level and continue a shallow descent. Just before touch-
down, gently pull back on the control stick to level the airplane with the ground for landing.
Step 2: Flying
After you've launched the Electric Cub, keep the motor running and allow the Electric Cub to continue to climb.
After reaching about 80 - 100 feet of altitude you should start making turns to keep the Electric Cub near you.
Don't fly the Electric Cub too far away or you could lose control. The range of the radio system is about 500 - 600 feet.
To turn the Electric Cub, gently move the right-hand control stick in the direction you want the Electric Cub to go and
hold it for a second or two. After the Electric Cub starts turning in the direction you want it to, let go of the control stick.
The longer you hold the control stick over, the tighter radius the Electric Cub will turn in. We recommend gentle turns
until you are proficient with the flight characteristics of the airplane.
If the Electric Cub always turns one direction or the other, use the sliding trim lever (as described on page # 12) to
make the Electric Cub fly level.
The Electric Cub's altitude is controlled by the left-hand up/down control stick. If you want the Electric Cub to climb,
gently pull back on the control stick. If you want the Electric Cub to descend, gently push forward on the control stick.
When going into a turn, the Electric Cub will have a natural tendency to lose some altitude. Unless you want to
descend, you should gently pull back on the control stick to keep the Electric Cub level during the turn. The steeper the
turn the more altitude the Electric Cub will lose.
Typically, the Electric Cub is flown with the motor on. If you want to glide around or descend, you can turn the motor
off using the motor on/off switch. When you want to climb again, push the motor on/off switch to turn the motor back on.
When you turn the motor off for gliding, the Electric Cub will have a natural tendency to pitch up. This is caused by
the down thrust in the motor. Push forward gently on the left-hand up/down control stick to make the Electric Cub pitch
down to level flight.
If you are flying in a light wind, the Electric Cub will tend to climb as you turn into the wind. In this instance, you will
need to level off the Electric Cub by pushing forward on the control stick. When you turn down-wind, the Electric Cub
will have a natural tendency to loss altitude. In this instance, you should pull back gently on the control stick.