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Fokker Dr.1 triplAne ep ArF FeAtures
Laser-Cut Balsa and Light-Ply Construction for Accuracy, Strength and Low Weight
Precovered with Real Iron-On Covering Material
Accepts Direct-Drive, Brushless Outrunner Motors or Brushed Gear Drive Motors
Wing Mounting System Factory Jig-Aligned and -Drilled for Precise Assembly
Durable Landing Gear with Scale Wheels and Gear Wing Assembly
Dual Aileron Servos
Lightweight Carbon Fiber Pushrods
Includes all Necessary Hardware
Fast and Easy Assembly - Over 65 High-Resolution Digital Photos to Guide You
Wing span top:
26.5 Inches (673mm)
Wing span Center:
24.5 Inches (622mm)
Wing span bottom:
22.5 Inches (572mm)
total Wing Area:
280 Square Inches (18.06dm
22.5 Inches (572mm)
Ailerons, Elevator, Rudder and Throttle
radio required:
4-Channel or More w/4 Micro Servos and Micro Rx
motor required:
KMS 31/12 Direct Drive Brushless Outrunner
esC required:
KMS 18Amp Brushless
battery required:
Impulse Power 3 Cell 900mAH LiPO
Made in China
Kit Product Number 128382
The WattAge Fokker Dr.1 Triplane EP ARF
is distributed exclusively in North America by
Global Hobby Distributors
18480 Bandilier Circle, Fountain Valley, CA 92708
All contents Copyright © 2006, Global Hobby Distributors
Version 1.0 November 2006
The Fokker Dr.1 is one of the most famous and recognizable fighter planes of World War One. The Fokker Dr.1 (Dr standing for Dreidecker or 3
wings) was designed by Reinhold Platz and was ordered into production on July 14, 1917, in response to the success of the British Sopwith Triplane
earlier in the year. The first production model of the Fokker Dr.1 was delivered personally by Tony Fokker to the Red Baron, Rittmeister Manfred
von Richthofen, and shortly after that in August of 1917 it made its first appearance in combat.
Pilots were impressed with its maneuverability and soon scored victories with the nimble triplane. In the hands of an experienced pilot, the Fokker
Dr.1 was a formidable dogfighter. The three wings produce tremendous lift which, combined with its small size and weight, meant it could out climb
and out-turn almost any opponent.