Watlow Series L
Chapter 5: Troubleshooting
Possible Cause(s)
Corrective Action
LS Controller
Both LED's
• Variance between sensors greater than
20ºC or sensors are reversed
• Ensure that temperature variance
between sensors remains within
• Verify sensor polarity is correct
Troubleshooting RTD inputs
Temperature reading is incor-
rect, showing a sensor error,
, or ALARM LED is
switching at the wrong tem-
• Setting for degree C or F is incorrect
Check model part number for Degree
C or F. If the model has Increment/
Decrement keys, then the C/F setting
is adjustable
• Sensor or limit may be bad. Sensor
connections may be bad
• Place a 110 ohm resistor across the
sensor input terminals
- For high limit: Start with limit set
point above ambient temperature,
ALARM LED should be off. Decrease
limit set point until ALARM LED goes
on. It should be approximately ambi-
ent temperature. If it does, the limit is
OK. Sensor or connections may be bad
- For low limit: Start with limit set point
below ambient temperature, ALARM
LED should be off. Increase limit set
point until ALARM LED goes on. It
should be approximately ambient tem-
perature. If it does, the limit is OK.
Sensor or connections may be bad
• Ambient temperature in the control
cabinet is over 70°C (158°F)
• Measure temperature in cabinet to
ensure it is below 70°C (158°F). Vent
cabinet or add fans if necessary
• Sensor connections may be bad. Exces-
sive lead wire resistance
• Check sensor connections. Measure
lead wire resistance. There will be a
2.6C (4.7°F) error for every ohm of
lead wire resistance
Troubleshooting limit outputs
ALARM is not tripped when it
should be. ALARM LED is not
on (relay is energized in safe
condition, N.O. contact is closed
and N.C. contact is open).
• Temperature appears to be incorrect.
See input troubleshooting
• See input troubleshooting
• Limit set point is not set correctly
• Verify limit set point setting
ALARM is tripped when it
should not be. ALARM LED
is on (relay is de-energized in
limit condition, N.O. contact
is open and N.C. contact is
• Limit output is tripped (latched)
• Press RESET key to reset limit.
• Output wiring is incorrect
• Verify wiring. Relay outputs act as a
switch, they do not source power
• Temperature appears to be incorrect,
see input troubleshooting
• See input troubleshooting
• Limit set point is not set correctly
• Verify limit set point setting
• Limit output is defective
• Repair or replace limit
Limit output signal is on when
it should not be on. Load LED
is on.
• Temperature reading is incorrect on
display of indicating controls or limit,
see input troubleshooting
• See input troubleshooting
• Set point is not set correctly
• Verify limit set point setting
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