Motor mounts
Adjustable attachment to the outer side of
the frame.
NOTE! During installation, the supports
will be reversed, and the motor will hang
in the supports instead of standing on
Power cables
From 0.5 meters (positive) and 1.0 meters
(negative), already connected to the motor
48 Volt Relay
The amperage depends on the selected
motor power.
Digital display
2x RJ45 data cable (1 meter and 3 meters).
Throttle, an RJ45 data cable (3 meters),
and a gateway (
from 2022
, the gateway
is no longer needed).
Dashboard with ignition switch.
Ignition switch with a 3-meter cable
(easily extendable if necessary).
CAUTION! Not included in the standard scope of delivery are vibration dampers, fuse with fuse
holder for the battery cables, main switch, and battery pack with charger. From 2022, WaterWorld
supplies its own lithium batteries. Contact WaterWorld or your supplier and inquire about the
Load resistors.
From 2022 (software version ≥ 1.31),
two end resistors are included in the
delivery. You place the end resistors
in the remaining open data ports. It
doesn’t matter which ones they are, all
data components can be connected in
series to each other.
See example connection diagram at
the bottom of page 23.
If your component bears a sticker
similar to the one shown on the left in
the picture, it indicates that it has an
integrated end resistor. These devices
were manufactured before 2022.