Flushing, Conditioning and Sanitizing
Did you connect the drain line securely to the valve?
Did you connect the brine line securely to the valve?
Step 1.
Make sure the system is in the “Bypass” position before turning the main water
back on. See page 11. Make sure the drain line provided is connected securely to the
control valve and is properly located over a drain. It is recommended that a separate
drain line, not provided, is connected to the overflow elbow on the brine tank and is
properly located over a drain. Make sure the brine line is connected to both the air
check in the brine well and the control valve. Make sure the control valve is plugged
into an operating outlet with the correct voltage and is properly grounded.
Step 2.
Press and Hold the REGEN button on the Triton valve until you hear the motor
engage. This will initiate an immediate manual regeneration of the system. Turn the
bypass valve to Diagnostic Mode (figure 3 on page 11). The screen will indicate
“FILL”. You should hear water entering the system, fill the mineral tank and then
begin filling the brine tank. Wait a few minutes to ensure the control valve pushes
water to brine tank. You should see the water level in the brine tank increasing as
the system puts water in brine tank to make brine. If everything is working, and you
have verified that water in brine tank is rising, press and release the REGEN button.
You will hear the motor engage and move the piston into the “SOFTENING” position.
Check all connections to make sure the system has no leaks. To advance to the next
stage of regeneration, press and release the REGEN button. You will hear the motor
engage and move the piston into the “DRAW” position. You should see the water
level in the brine tank decreasing as the system draws water from brine tank to
regenerate the mineral tank. If everything is working, and you have verified that
water in brine tank is dropping, press and release the REGEN button. Check all
connections to make sure the system has no leaks. You will hear the motor engage
and move the piston into the “BACKWASH” position. You should see and hear water
going through the drain line to the drain. Allow the system to backwash until the
water going to drain is clear. If everything is working, and you have verified that
water is going to drain via drain line, press and release the REGEN button. Check all
connections to make sure the system has no leaks. You will hear the motor engage
and move the piston into the “RINSE” position. You should see and hear water going
through the drain line to the drain. If everything is working, and you have verified
that water is going to drain via drain line, press and release the REGEN button.