Replace the batteries when the indicator light shows that they are worn or at
least once per year.
The batteries can be accessed by removing
the two screws located on the Front Panel
above and below the label. Remove these
screws with a Phillips screwdriver and then
carefully lift the Front Panel from the front
hub. Turn the Front Panel upside down and
place the two screws in the panel.
The battery pack is located on the rear side
of the Main Circuit Board which is now ex-
posed. You must remove the four screws
which hold the Main Circuit Board in place to
gain access to the battery pack. Remove the
two screws at the top and the two screws at
the bottom of of the Main Circuit Board and
place them in the Front Panel.
Remove the Main Circuit Board by using a
small flat screwdriver and placing the blade
of the screwdriver under the edge of the
Main Circuit Board, alternating from the left
side then the right side of the board. This will
disconnect the board from the two connec-
tors located on the back side.
Once the Main Circuit Board is removed, turn
it over and replace the worn AA cells with four
fresh Duracell AA batteries. Be sure to orient
the batteries in accordance with the direc-
tions supplied on the battery pack. Return
the Main Circuit Board to the reel by carefully
lining up the pins with the connectors (4 pin
connector on the left, 6 pin connector on the
right) and press the Main Circuit Board into
Replace the four screws in the Main Circuit
Board. Replace the Front Panel to the hub
and return the two screws to the correct
holes, above and below the label. Care must
be taken not to over tighten the screws. Over
tightening may strip the threads from this