Foot Pedal Installation Manual
Page 5
Revision: 1/5/2021
Where the pedal leads exit the machine are at the technician and customers discretion, several
options are available. Along the lower section of either the left or right side panel or at the rear lip
of either panel, an access hole can be drilled to
to pass the pedal leads out to the pedals. Run
the leads down, securing them to the existing wire bundle in the center of the machine. Using the
rubber grommets to line the hole and cover any sharp edges, run the connectors out the hole to the
pedals. Use the corrugated wire sheath to cover the wires to protect from damage. Once the exit
point has been chosen and created, connect pedals and replace all panels previously removed. After
the middle panel is returned to its place, reattach the silver dispense rings to the faucet and ice
dispense chute.
Possible exit points
for the pedal leads.
Tie pedal leads into
existing wire bundle
before reinstalling panels.
Replace decorative rings to
both the faucet and ice
dispense chute after
reinstalling middle panel.
Use the rubber grommet to cover
the sharp edges of the exit hole.