Waterco Limited ABN 62 002 070 733
(646086) 04/2018
Owners Manual
This equipment must be installed and serviced by a qualified technician.
Improper installation can create electrical hazards which could result in property
damage, serious injury or death. Improper installation will void the warranty.
Offices - AustrAliA
NsW - sydNey
(HeAd Office)
tel: +61 2 9898 8600
Qld - BrisBANe
tel: +61 7 3299 9900
Vic/tAs - MelBOurNe
tel: +61 3 9764 1211
WA - PertH
tel: +61 8 9273 1900
sA/Nt - AdelAide
tel: +61 8 8244 6000
Act distriButiON
tel: +61 2 6280 6476
Offices - OVerseAs
WAtercO (eurOPe) liMited
sittingbourne, Kent, uK
tel: +44 (0) 1795 521 733
WAtercO (usA) iNc
Augusta, Georgia, usA
tel: +1 706 793 7291
WAtercO cANAdA
longueuil, Quebec, canada
tel: +1 450 748 1421
WAtercO (NZ) liMited
Auckland, New Zealand
tel: +64 9 525 7570
WAtercO © liMited
Guangzhou, china
tel: +86 20 3222 2180
WAtercO (fAr eAst) sdN BHd
selangor, Malaysia
tel: +60 3 6145 6000
Pt WAtercO iNdONesiA
Jakarta, indonesia
tel: +62 21 4585 1481
WAtercO siNGAPOre iNtl Pte ltd
Nehsons Building, singapore
tel: +65 6344 2378