buRon for 3 seconds in the case of an emergency. The watch
will dial these 3 numbers one by one, twice. An SOS no9fica9on
message will also be sent to everyone that has that watch
paired to the App. The watch will stop dialling once the call has
been connected to any of the numbers.
Friend’s numbers
5 addi9onal numbers can be set which are allowed to call the
watch and the watch can call them. The list of friends’ numbers
will be displayed
by short pressing
t h e d i a l l i n g
buRon, one press
at a 9me, to scroll
down. Select the
h i g h l i g h t e d
number and press
the dialling buRon
for 3 seconds to
dial that number.
User’s Guide for Liberty GPS Loca9on Watch Phone