version 6.0
Verify the MUVPN client status–it
be activated. If it is not,
right-click on the icon and select
Activate Security Policy
At this point, if you are using Extended Authentication, you will be
prompted for the Username and Passphrase created previously on the
authentication server. Enter these values and click
The Mobile User VPN Client Icon
The Mobile User VPN icon exists in the Windows desktop system tray
and displays several different status images. The following lists these
images and provides a brief description of each:
The MUVPN Security Policy has been deactivated or the
Windows operating system did not start a necessary Mobile
User VPN service properly and the remote computer
restarted (if this continues you may need to reinstall the
MUVPN client).
The MUVPN client is ready to establish a secure, MUVPN
tunnel connection.
Activated and Transmitting Unsecured Data
The MUVPN client is ready to establish a secure, MUVPN
tunnel connection and the red bar on the right of the icon
indicates that the client has begun transmitting unsecured
Activated and Connected
The MUVPN client has established at least one secure,
MUVPN tunnel connection but is not transmitting data.
Activated, Connected and Transmitting Unsecured Data
Vclass Mobile User VPN Client End User Brochure—Windows XP
The MUVPN client has established at least one secure,
MUVPN tunnel connection and the red bar on the right of the
icon indicates that the client is transmitting only unsecured
Activated, Connected and Transmitting Secured Data
The MUVPN client has established at least one secure,
MUVPN tunnel connection and the green bar on the right of
the icon indicates that the client is transmitting only secured
Activated, Connected and Transmitting both Secure and
Unsecured Data
The MUVPN client has established at least one secure,
MUVPN tunnel connection and the red and green bars on the
right of the icon indicate that the client is transmitting both
secured and unsecured data.
With the ZoneAlarm Firewall
The ZoneAlarm personal firewall will detect the attempt of the Mobile
User Connect application to access the Internet. You
allow a
couple of programs associated with this application access to the
internet in order to establish the VPN tunnel.
The New Program alert dialog box appears requesting access for the
MuvpnConnect.exe program.
From the ZoneAlarm alert dialog box:
Enable the
Remember this answer the next time I use this
option and click the
This will enable ZoneAlarm to allow the MuvpnConnect.exe program
through each time you attempt to make a MUVPN connection.
The New Program alert dialog box appears requesting access for the
IreIKE.exe program.