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CSP (Centro Sviluppo Progetti) was born about twenty years ago out of the brilliant mind of
Massimo Moretti, and this company deals with the development of innovative projects. As
background to this birth lays a 50 years lasting experience: since Massimo was a child, he
used to observe his father working in the workshop, and was fascinated by that small world
which enables to create
nished parts starting from the raw material; they built toys together,
learning how to do them.
The company is marked by the continuous search of brand new ideas and projects to be
developed. This business is centred on new innovative ideas, curiosity and research are the
main characteristics of every project developed by Massimo and his team.
WASP is CSP, Centro Sviluppo Progetti, is university, is research, is passion. These elements are
perfectly integrated and combined together in order to work for Makers research and innovation.
nal products are printing and milling machines, which aim also to make a better world.
This approach allows users to build on their own objects according to their imagination, by
creating them in 3D using CAD software or by downloading open source projects from internet.
This project is self-
nanced by producing small but versatile and low cost 3D printers, and at
the same time the spread of technologies and knowledges can support micro-enterprises and
change the attitude towards the work, just by creating it.
Craftsmen, creative people, hobbyists, laboratories, schools, everybody can have access to
advanced technologies like 3D drawing and printing, computer numeric control machining
(milling machines, cnc), trasforming own ideas into objects.
WASP produces as well as Delta 2040 printer, also the following devices:
- DeltaWASP 4070 with printing area 400mm x 600mm, printing de
nition 100 micron
- DeltaWASP 60100 with printing area 600mm x 1000mm, printing de
nition 100 micron
- Delta Open
- PowerWASP EVO (the
rst 3D printer which becomes also milling machine CNC)
(The management)
Introduction to our company