B2000 User Manual
Chapter 2 – Introduction to Fingerprint
Recognition Technology
Prior to operating the B2000, it is essential to understand how fingerprint recognition technology works. Adding and
verifying fingergprints is the core function of the B2000. Once a thorough understanding of fingerprint recognition
technology is obtained, you will find your experience with the B2000 to be very productive and rewarding.
2.1 How Fingerprint Recognition Technology Works
When the user places his/her finger on a Fingerprint Recognition Device (i.e.the B2000) for the first time, the fingerprint
is scanned and converted into a computer-generated “biometric Template”. The templates can only be recognized by
each respective biometric manufacturer’s devices. Also note that these “templates” are NOT actual fingerprint images.
“Real” fingerprint images cannot be re-generated from these templates.
All fingerprints contain a number of unique physical characteristics called minutiae. Minutiae include certain visible
aspects of fingerprints such as ridges, ridge endings and bifurcation (forking) of ridges. Most of the minutiae are found
in the core points of fingerprints, and the core points themselves are found near the center of the fingerprint on the
fleshy pad of the finger.
The figure below shows the positions of core points within fingerprints. The core points are represented by the red
dots in the figure below.
A core poirnt is defined as the topmost point on the innermost upward recurring ridge line.
A user is considered “enrolled” in the B2000 after his/her fingerprint(s) or password has been successfully registered in
the clock’s database.
When the user places his/her finger on the B2000 fingerprint sensor during the enrollment process, the B2000 takes a
picture of that finger’s key minutiae points. The B2000 then uses its proprietary mathematical algorithm and converts
that picture into a unique mathematical template which is comparable to a 60-digit password. This unique template is
then encrypted and stored in the B2000 database.