Steam connections (optional steam heating)
Steam pressure required:
minimum 7 PSI
maximum: 110 PSI
recommended: 40-85 PSI
A steam valve for this machine type is fitted
separately in a bracket on the upper rear cover
plate. The steam valve, hose and filter are sup-
plied with the machine.
Steam-flush all pipes and hoses before connec-
Installation instructions:
Install rear cover plates.
Install steam valve bracket and valve. The
steam valve must be mounted in upright
Connect the steam hose between the steam
valve and the steam intake on the machine.
The steam inlet pipe must be fitted with a
manual cut-off valve. Fit the filter supplied with
the machine to the manual cut-off valve.
Connect an approved 1/2'' steam hose be-
tween the steam valve and the filter. The
connection must be vertical or be fitted with a
pipe connector in order to avoid sharp angles
in the hose.
Connection size at filter: DN15 (R 1/2''').
Check that there are no sharp angles or
bends in the connection hose.