Getting Started Guide: Cobra OCT Spectrometers
Page 3
Cobra-VIS, Cobra-S 800
Camera: e2v
Camera Link Card: NI PCI-1433
To test your Cobra Spectrometer with a National Instruments NI PCIe-1433 card, make sure that the card
is installed in the PC and the Cobra spectrometer is connected.
Software Prerequisites
NI LabView 2015
NI Measurement and Automation Explorer
E2V CommCam GeniCam
Wasatch Photonics Specific Configuration Files
The following file is required in order for NI MAX to communicate to the camera.
e2v 2Taps.icd
Configuring the Camera to Work with NI-Max
The camera must first be configured to have the same
settings as defined by the ICD file linked above. To do this,
launch CommCamm and then follow the prompts for an
autodetect. If the device is powered and the cameralink
cables are properly connected, you will see an image
similar to the following image. Select the Octopus camera
and hit the “Connect” button above the table.
The default ICD file provided is configured for 2-taps, so
we will need to verify this in the 2-taps mode and for the
purposes of verifying operation, we will set the test image
to be a CheckerBoard.