on the wire rope by as much as 50%. When doubling the line back to the
vehicle, attach to the frame or other load bearing part.
The vehicle engine should be kept running during operation of the winch to
minimize battery drain and maximize power and speed of the winch. If the
winch is used for a considerable amount of time with the engine off, the battery
may be drained and too weak to restart the engine.
Get to know your winch before you actually need to use it. We recommend that
you set up a few test runs to familiarize yourself with rigging techniques, the
sounds your winch makes under various loads, the way the cable spools on the
drum, etc.
Inspect the wire rope and equipment before each use. A frayed or damaged
rope must be replaced immediately. Use only the ma
nufacturer’s replacement
rope with the exact specifications.
Inspect the winch installation and bolts to ensure that all bolts are tight before
each operation.
Never connect the cable back to itself. This will cause cable damage. Always
use a snatch block, sling or chain of suitable strength as shown in the
Store the remote control inside your vehicle in a place that it will not be
Any winch that appears to be damaged in any way, is found to be worn, or
operates abnormally shall be removed from service.
Pull only on parts of the vehicle as specified by the vehicle manufacturer.
Only attachments and/or adapters supplied by the manufacturer shall be used.
Whenever before your winch start to working, please slightly test-run your
winch in two direction, even if the winch drum only round a few degree of angle,
ensure the winch is well-balanced, especially after you operated the clutch,
test-running winch can make winch in gear.
a. Take time to asses your situation and plan your pull.
b. Put on gloves to protect your hands.