Warmtec ODT-25N Скачать руководство пользователя страница 35




Air always contains some water in the form of vapour. The ability of air to retain water vapor increases 
with temperature. Therefore, in our homes, as soon as the temperature drops, the vapor in the air 
condenses, which can be seen on the cooler surfaces in the room, such as windows, walls, etc. The 
dehumidifier's  job  is  to  remove  excess  moisture  from  the  air,  avoiding  damage  caused  by 
condensa on.


Experts have determined that the op mal environmental condi ons for our well-being and home are 
between 40% and 60% rela ve humidity. At very low temperatures, even minimal hea ng of the room 
is recommended. This significantly increases the drying efficiency of the device. During hea ng, the 
condensate formed by water vapor on windows and other cold surfaces evaporates into air which is 
collected by the dehumidifier. The air leaving the dehumidifier is typically 1°C - 2°C warmer than room 













2. control panel

1. handle

3. water tank

5. wheels
6. power cord
7. drainage hole

10. air outlet grille

4. water level view window

8. cable hooks
9. plug holder


  All  diagrams  in  this  manual  may  differ  slightly  from  the  actual  appearance.  Make  sure  all 

accessories have been removed from the packaging and water tank before use.


  air  intake  grille  with     


User manual - dehumidifier


Содержание ODT-25N

Страница 1: ...manual carefully before using this product for the first time and keep it safe for future reference Przed pierwszym u yciem nale y zapozna si z niniejsz instrukcj Dzi kujemy za wyb r naszego produktu...

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Страница 5: ...w d zasilaj cy jest uszkodzony musi zosta wymieniony przez producenta jego przedstawiciela serwisowegolubpodobniewykwali kowan osob wceluunikni ciazagro enia Ten produkt jest fabrycznie wyposa ony w p...

Страница 6: ...ane w taki spos b aby zapobiega gromadzeniu si wyciek w czynnikach odniczego kt remog skutkowa ryzykiempo arulubwybuchem wwynikuzap onuczynnika ch odniczegospowodowanegoprzezgrzejnikielektryczne komin...

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Страница 9: ...rdzo niskich temperaturach zaleca si nawet minimalne ogrzanie pomieszczenia Zwi ksza to znacznie moc osuszania urz dzenia Podczas ogrzewania kondensat utworzonyprzezpar wodn na oknach iinnychzimnychpo...

Страница 10: ...techniczny urz dzenia upewnij si e osuszacz nie ma usterek Zwr szczeg ln uwag na zbiornik na skropliny Uszkodzony zbiornik mo e prowadzi do wylewania si skroplin bezpo rednio na pod o e 2 Ponownieza...

Страница 11: ...zechyl urz dzenie o nie wi cej niz 45 i za k ka Upewnij si e k ka zosta y poprawnie za o one Je li urz dzenie ma ju zamontowane k ka nale y pomin ten krok UWAGA Nale y odczeka minimum 2 godziny przed...

Страница 12: ...onkazanieczyszczeniafiltra 9 ikonkape negolubwyj tegozbiornikana 7 ikonkatryburodzicielskiego 1 ikonkafunkcjiosuszania Continuous wod 6 ikonkafunkcjiTIMER C przyciskzwi ksz D przyciskzmniejsz E przyci...

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Страница 20: ...ne oszronienie urz dzenia zwykle ust puje po 60 min To normalne dzia anie urz dzenia Sprawd czy wszystkie drzwi okna i inne otwory s dobrze zamkni te Osuszacz nale y instalowa z dala od suszarki Wydaj...

Страница 21: ...nach Je li komunikat E3 pojawi si jeszcze raz skontaktuj si z serwisem Zakres pracy urz dzenia temperatura 5 C 32 C wilgotno 30 RH 90 RH EH B d czujnika wilgotno ci Czujnik wilgotno ci jest popsuty Sk...

Страница 22: ...Wymiary szer x wys x g Stopie ochrony Waga ODT 25N 230 V 50 Hz do 25 l 24 h do 12 l 24 h 400 W 3 4 l R290 80 g I 5 C 32 C 36 5 x 50 x 25 cm IPX0 14 5 kg ODT 35N 230 V 50 Hz do 35 l 24 h do 17 5 l 24...

Страница 23: ...zany po jego zu yciu do oddania zbieraj cemu zu yty sprz t elektryczny i elektroniczny Nale y jednak pami ta aby produkty nale ce do grupy sprz tu elektrycznego lub elektronicznego utylizowane by y w...

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Страница 26: ...gasi W przypadku stwierdzenia wycieku czynnika ch odniczego kt ry wymaga lutowania ca y czynnik ch odniczy nale y odzyska z uk adu lub odizolowa poprzez rodki odcinaj ce zawory w cz ci systemu oddalon...

Страница 27: ...czynnika ch odniczego na wypadek gdyby przed ponownym u yciem odzyskanego czynnika ch odniczego wymagana by a analiza Istotne jest aby zasilanieelektryczneby odost pneprzedrozpocz ciemzadania Nale yo...

Страница 28: ...odzyskanyczynnikch odniczyioznaczonetymczynnikiem tj specjalnebutledo odzyskiwania czynnika ch odniczego Butle powinny by kompletne z nadci nieniowym zaworem bezpiecze stwa i powi zanymi zaworami odci...

Страница 29: ...pl Safety rules 30 ODT 25N i ODT 35N construction ODT 50N construction 35 Before first use 36 Operation 38 Cleaning and maintenance 44 48 Technical specifications Troubleshooting 45 Environmental prot...

Страница 30: ...ck Use or store the device in such a way that it is protected from moisture such as condensa on splashingwater etc Ifitcomesintocontactwithmoisture unplugthedeviceimmediately If the device makes stran...

Страница 31: ...ion or instruc on concerning use of the appliance in a safe way and understand the risks involved When the fuse is blown or the circuit breaker has tripped check the fuse box and replace the fuse or r...

Страница 32: ...possible sources of directigni on e g open re stoves gasappliances electricheaters theelectricaloutletisproperlygrounded Donotcovertheven la onopenings 2 Thedeviceshouldbeplaced usedandstoredinroomsn...

Страница 33: ...te to the amount of refrigerantinthedevicecircuit seethetablebelow Amount of R290 gas for the appliance see nameplate on your appliance 152 g 152 g 185 g 186 g 225 g 226 g 270 g 4 9 11 13 271 g 290 g...

Страница 34: ...ftheroom is recommended This signi cantly increases the drying e ciency of the device During hea ng the condensate formed by water vapor on windows and other cold surfaces evaporates into air which is...

Страница 35: ...60 rela vehumidity Atvery lowtemperatures evenminimalhea ngoftheroom is recommended This signi cantly increases the drying e ciency of the device During hea ng the condensate formed by water vapor on...

Страница 36: ...echnical condi on of the device make sure that the dehumidi er has no faults Pay special a en ontothewatertank Adamagedtankcanleadtocondensa ondrippingdirectlyontotheground 1 Pulloutthewatertank opent...

Страница 37: ...allation Tilt the device no more than 45 and put on the wheels Make sure the wheels are properly installed If your device already has wheels installed skip this step ATTENTION Wait a minimum of 2 hour...

Страница 38: ...omodeicon 4 Icon for continuous dehumidification Cont Continuous 8 filtercontaminationicon 6 Timericon 5 display 3 comfortmodeicon Comfort A ON OFFbutton B operatingmodechangebuton D decreasebutton E...

Страница 39: ...isplay will be dimmed and after 1 minute the display will turn off To turn on the preview again press any button except as this will turn off the device Press the button to exit Comfort mode Press to...

Страница 40: ...action on the control panel and the activation of the function is confirmed by the lit icon of the active timer switch Press the button againorturnoffthedevicetoturnofftheTIMERfunction When the device...

Страница 41: ...n will stop the water tank full icon will be displayed on the control panel and the unit will beep The device will not restart until the tank is emptied and correctly placed back in the device The tan...

Страница 42: ...ageholeconnectorwithagasketandinstallthedrainhose ATTENTION Install the drain hose as shown in the picture below It is important to correctly install the drain hose otherwise the condensate will not b...

Страница 43: ...ddehumidi ca onwillresume 1 Donotuseoutdoors 5 Use the dehumidi er in rooms with a high level of humidity e g when cooking washing bathing or washing dishes 7 Use a dehumidi er in the basement to prev...

Страница 44: ...ack into the appliance Cleanthe lteranddryitthoroughlybeforereinser ng cleanweekly The ltershouldberemovedasshowninthepicture ofthedeviceduringremovalorreassembly lter Covertoprotectthedevicefromdust...

Страница 45: ...tank For the dehumidifier to work the tank must be properly inserted into the device Insert the tank correctly The device is equipped with a protection against quick restart of the compressor up to 3...

Страница 46: ...of the device Check that all doors windows and other openings are properly closed The dryer must be installed away from the dryer The capacity of the device depends on the temperature in the room The...

Страница 47: ...e device after 2 hours If the E3 message appears again contact the service temperature 5 C 32 C humidity 30 RH 90 RH Device operating range EH Humidity sensor error The humidity sensor is broken conta...

Страница 48: ...ions W x H x D IP Rating Weight ODT 25N 230 V 50 Hz to 25 l 24 h to 12 l 24 h 400 W 3 4 l R290 80 g I 5 C 32 C 36 5 x 50 x 25 cm IPX0 14 5 kg ODT 35N 230 V 50 Hz to 35 l 24 h to 17 5 l 24 h 590 W 3 4...

Страница 49: ...wever youshouldrememberthatproductsbelongingtothegroupofelectricalorelectronic equipmentshouldbedisposedofbyanauthorisedpersontotheircollec onpoints recyclingorganisation whichwehavesignedacontractwit...

Страница 50: ...a on should safely dissipate the released refrigerant and ideally expel it to the outside of the building 1 4 Checkingthepresenceofrefrigerant Anyone carrying out work on the refrigera on system that...

Страница 51: ...service instruc ons must be followed at all mes If in doubt consult the manufacturer s technical department For systems using ammable refrigerants the followingchecksmustbemade ifanindirectrefrigerant...

Страница 52: ...hods are considered acceptable for systems containing flammable refrigerants Electronic leak detectors should be used to detect flammable refrigerants but sensitivity maynotbesufficientormayrequirerec...

Страница 53: ...rocedurebelow removetherefrigerant The amount of refrigerant must be recovered to the appropriate cylinders The system must be ushed with OFN to keep the device safe This process may need to be repeat...

Страница 54: ...efrigerants In addi on a set of calibrated weighing scales should be available and opera onal Hoses should be complete with non leaking disconnect couplings and in good condi on Before using the recov...

Страница 55: ...Instrukcja obs ugi osuszacz powietrza 55 NOTATKI...

Страница 56: ...www warmtec pl www warmtec pl v 1 01...
