We reserve the right to make technical modifications
Safety instructions
The electrical installation (assembly)/
dismantling must be performed by a cer-
tified electrician in accordance with the
electrical installation regulations published
by the Association of German Electrical
Engineers (VDE 0100) or the standards
and regulations of the country in which the
device is being installed. The electrician
must observe the installation instructions
included with the electrical devices.
If it can be assumed that safe operation is
not possible, the device must not be com-
missioned or must be decommissioned if
it is already in service. This assumption is
justified if
The housing or the supply lines show
signs of damage
The device is no longer working.
For the safe functioning of the entire sys-
tem it is necessary that the drives, motor
control units and power supplies are
accurately coordinated with one another.
Therefore, please contact our project man-
agement before planning.
The control software loaded at the factory
cannot be used for operation in a system.
The control software loaded at the factory
must be replaced by system-specific con-
trol software.
General information
Fig. 1
The BAline product line is a system consisting of individual
modules for room and building automation (such as sun
shading systems, lighting, windows, HVAC, etc.). Each
basic module (e.g. BAline KNXMCM) for bus coupling can
be connected to up to 8 IO modules. The basic module
can be combined with one or more IO modules as need-
ed. With this system, rooms can be automated in a wide
variety of ways.
The BAline KNXMCM controller is a basic module for
room and building automation to which various extension
modules can be connected. The BAline KNXMCM device
is equipped with a KNX TP1 interface. The device applica-
tion is loaded and monitored via a USB interface.
The extension modules can be connected using the
BAline jumper, A maximum of 8 IO modules can be con-
nected to a BAline KNXMCM basic module.
Intended use
The BAline KNXMCM is a basic module for room and
building automation. Any use other than the purpose
described in these instructions requires manufacturer
Installation instructions
Valid from
1. March 2022
Keep for future use.